Body by Vi - anyone tried this or now about it?



  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    As a health care professional on the BBV system, I can say that it works. Former Mr. Universe 2002 and 2004 (Simon Morgan) can say that it works. So can doctors, housewives, teachers, and a hundred other types of people.

    Yes, the protein shakes work, but they don't have the "stuff" that nobody knows what it is. They are ingredients that are good for you, and also help your body to absorb as many of the nutrients as possible. It has been known to help add muscle faster, reduce scar tissue, and even help with certain medical problems such as diabetes, but it's because of the entire program (including the exercise that is encouraged) and not expressly the products. The product itself is at about a par with the MediFast products (for much less cost).

    The pricing is actually pretty good, too. When I started doing 2 shakes a day my grocery bill actually dropped. REALLY dropped. As in it was cut almost in half.

    Another of the concerns was coming off the shakes. Easy answer to that: wean yourself off. Just like any other diet, it won't work if you just quit cold turkey. There is a way to slowly bring yourself off of the shakes, so your body can get used to the change in nutritional value and the way calories are brought in to the body, and there will be much less of a physical backlash (weight gain, sluggishness, etc.)

    As for the calorie count - it depends on what recipe you use. The two scoops of shake mix have 90 calories. That mixed with almond milk will have a lower calorie count than that mixed with whole milk, or shake mix in pancake batter (which is AMAZING).

    With all of THAT being said (I know, long-winded! LOL) the BBV system does not work for everybody. I'm actually struggling with -gaining- weight on two shakes a day, simply because my calorie count is so low that my body is storing as much as possible. At the end of this particular 90 day challenge I'm going to drop back to one shake a day, up the caloric intake, and see if that helps more.

    So the best advice you could probably get on this is simple: Try it. 90 days. Three months. If it works, stick with it. If it doesn't, get off of it.