Knee Injury

lpekny Posts: 63 Member
I have been doing Ripped in 30. I have 3 days left to finish it, however I hurt my knee somehow. I did Ripped on Saturday and took my dog for a 30 minute walk and woke up Sunday to pain in my left knee. It does not hurt to touch it only to bend it or when I walk. It is just as bad this morning. I put Icy/Hot on it. I am bumbed because I want to work out. Does anyone have any suggestions for healing this fast?


  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    Unfortunately, knees just don't heal fast. I'm not familiar with what Ripped in 30 entails, but maybe you can just take it easy on the knee and focus on more upper body stuff? I have a knee that gets tweaked once in a while... as long as I'm careful with it, it's ok. Never do lunges with your knee going past your ankle... take it easy on high impact stuff like jumping and running. Don't go so low in squats. if it's really painful, you might want to see a doctor. You really can't be too careful with your knees... they're surprisingly delicate, and once you mess them up, they often never get 100% better. If it's just the last 3 days, do what you can, but realize that not having a bum knee is far more important than finishing a workout.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    rest, ice, compression, elevation. Get back into it easy.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I haven't done ANYTHING since Wednesday due to a knee injury. It had been hurting for awhile, but I kept pushing through my morning runs and exercising. After my run on Wednesday, I couldn't walk at all and have been resting it since. I go to the doctor today to see what's up. Best careful and don't push it.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    Speaking as someone who ended up having knee surgery 2 years ago, I have to and rest! I agree that you do NOT want to overdo the injury for the sake of a complete workout! There are a lot of floor exercises that you can do along with upperbody workouts. Give that knee a rest and you should be working out again before you know it. Stay healthy! :flowerforyou:
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    definitely take it easy. the last thing you want is to create some form of long term injury. take it from me!

    focus on upper body and abdominals and start out with short walks to check if it is better yet or not.

    take care!
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    Take it easy. Knees are delicate, and if seriously injured will never bee the same. I messed up my knee when I was 11, and 18 years later it still makes me stop working out before I want to lots of the time. If it continues, please see a doctor to make sure you haven't done any damage.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    This whole thing is about balance balance what and how you eat as well as what and how you exercise I have a bad knee , hip , as well as various body parts that my weight really hurt in the past I have learned to change up my fitness if any one part was hurting and work other parts or other routines I will go from jogging to biking to ease the knee and build the quads or hammy if the pain goes away I change back and I never keep working a part that hurts I lost months early on because I didnt get OFF the injured part
  • I am 36 years young and suffer from recurring knee injuries ranging from a torn ACL to patella tracking disorder to arthritis. I can tell you that RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate) is the best course initially. You may have just overdid it a bit. Our knees are sensitive and take alot of wear and tear. Ripped in 30 puts pressure on the knees that they may not be used to and this may just be their reaction to all the pressure from the exercises. Listen to them!!! If they are painful don't try and work through the pain. Give them a break. You can still focus on upper body exercises and things like cycling, and water sports. If they are still hurting in a week even with modified exercise and rest you should probably see a doctor.
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I will take your advise and try to work my abs and upper body while giving my knee some rest.