How many lbs do you fluctuate?

I sometimes get frustrated when I go up and down so much from one morning to the next. I can't avoid stepping on the scale. I know I'm doing everything I should. I eat right and exercise. I've lost 45 lbs and am having trouble with the last 15. Do you say your weight is the lowest one you've ever recorded? How often do you weigh yourself?


  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I weigh myself daily.
    It fluctuates according to what I have eaten really, and goes up the most if I have bread or wheat based products in excess. It has gone up by as much as 4Ibs in less than 24 hours, then dropped back down again.
    It also changes according to how much exercise I have done. I would imagine everyone's weight fluctuates by a few pounds from day to day, one can't expect the body to stay precisely the same number every single day, it doesn't work that way, with things like fluid balance and speed of digestion to take into account.

    Simply not drinking quite enough in hot weather could show a change, so it is best not to be bothered by day to day fluctuations unless they are remaining in the upwards direction on a week to week basis.
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    Bump! I also struggle with this. I went up by 2 pounds and had to take one of my achieved goals away. That sucked! :sad:
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I weigh myself daily, every morning, after I go to the bathroom with my pjs on :) It does go up and down. However, I only "record" my weight once per week... for me, it's Monday morning. Pick a weigh-in day/time and stick to the same time for an accurate reading of what you weigh from week to week.
  • Slhuth
    Slhuth Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh myself daily also, but only record in MFP if it is same weight for 3 days in a row...
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I fluctuate about 5-6 pounds from morning to afternoon.

    But from day to day (same time) only a pound or so, depending on water levels
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I enter the lowest weight. My weight fluctuates 3-5 lbs from day to day.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I weigh myself everyday to see the fluctuations but only weigh in once a week. Used to be Fridays but I have my personal trainer on Thursdays, as an example, this friday I weighed in at 237 lbs and then weighed in again on Saturday morning after just a cardio session on Friday night and weighed 233lbs. Today I was 233 again but tomorrow I will probably be higher since I have strength training tonight. My body holds a lot of water after intense workouts.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    once in the morning when I wake up and record it. weight fluctuates about 2-5pounds during TOM and goes back down quickly
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh myself every Saturday mornings, some times i will loose weight & other times I don't, when I don't lose anything I also not gaining. Hang in there!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Confessing to being a daily weigher myself. I can bounce between the same 4 pounds.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I know I shouldn't weight myself more than once a week, but I do. I can fluctuate up to 3 lbs. It can be quite deterring, but I only really count my official weight in which is Monday mornings.
  • DsAdvocate
    DsAdvocate Posts: 93 Member
    My weight can change about 10lbs per week. It's frustrating. Typically it bounces around 5lbs.
  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    bump this one.... wondering the same thing... i weight myself every day too and . i've been up and down for about 3 weeks.... hoovering between 130 and 128... i've lost 28lbs and i just want 4 more lbs to go away.... sticky little thing cuz they won't go away... sometimes i don't even know when to log my weight.... :explode:
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    On a daily basis I will fluctuate 5 to 6 lbs also, So I simply weigh-in on the last Monday of the month, I do this in the morning and whatever the number is I just log it in.
  • MeliciousGibson
    MeliciousGibson Posts: 248 Member
    I fluctuate the same 3-4 pounds every day. I weigh myself in the morning right after I go to the bathroom. I'll get down to the lowest weight I've been in a while, then pop back up 3-4 pounds for at least a week, sometimes 2. Then the next time I drop back down a bit lower - then back up 3-4 pounds for another week or two. It's infuriating.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    between 2 to 5lb, I weigh most days but only record once a week, I no longer worry about a bit of movement on the scale, as long as overall its in the right direction and not going up and up each time, my highest weight at the moment is still UNDER my original goal weight, so it would be silly of me to worry x
  • grumpya
    grumpya Posts: 54 Member
    Weigh whenever record what I weigh on a saturday morning sometimes it is more than I weighed a day or 2 before sometimes it is the lowest of the week. Its the overall pattern that matters, what you weigh on the first of each month, that shows the overall trend. I can weigh 5lbs more if I ate a big meal in the evening just cos its all still sitting inside me soaking up fluid. If I drink alchohol I can weigh 3 or 4 lbs less, dehydration. The reading on the scales is just a number that indicates that you are going the right way. Try plotting your weight on the first of the month for 6 months. That will show the real pattern
  • AmandaK3
    AmandaK3 Posts: 80
    My weight goes up and down 1-3lbs from day to day. Depending on what I eat, and what time of the month it is (oh they joys of being female). I use to weigh myself daily but it was too frusturating, so now I do once a week. I do in the morning right before hoping in the shower.

    Since it does go up and down I only record it on MFP if it's more than 2 lbs.
  • BrittSwimsJDRF
    BrittSwimsJDRF Posts: 50 Member
    I have started to weigh daily, because I noticed erratic numbers on the scale. The more I run, the more water I hold on to, so I can fluctuate anywhere from 4 - 7 pounds in one day! Hang in there, retire the scale for a month, and focus on measurements and NSVs.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    7 lb. Unless I lose 10 lb on the scale. I don't get so excited when my scale went down for couple lb.