How do YOU get through 30 min on treadmill, eliptical, etc?

(oops - that would be ELLIPTICAL.)

Normally, I absolutely must have some high energy music and it must be fresh music that hasn't been sitting on my playlist for months.

But... Today I decided to switch it up and watch a show on tv while I did my power walk on the tm. TV has never been motivating enough to keep me going for the full 30 min, but I had recorded Oprah's interview with Lady Gaga last week and hadn't yet had time to sit and watch it. So I turned it on while I worked out this morning. Well, the time just flew by and I was totally engrossed in the interview. I even decided to keep up the momentum and do crunches while I finished the first half of the show! Tomorrow I'll be back on the tm and watching the second half of Lady Gaga! I experienced the same thing while reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy - never one to read on the tm, but those books were just sooo distracting, LOL! (And this coming from a former HS English teacher - shhhh ... don't tell!)

I do think it will take something totally engaging and unique (ie, Lady Gaga, Christian Grey) for this to work for me, especially since in the case of TV, I don't watch much and don't "eagerly await" any particular show each week. I'll probably be back to my music in a few days, but it did get me thinking.

So I thought I would ask -- what motivates, distracts or occupies YOU while you get through that dreaded 30+ min??


PS - Lady Gaga is not only talented but so very interesting. The interview really changed my perception of her!


  • Kellster30
    Kellster30 Posts: 63 Member
    I usually watch a show that I know will keep me entertained and interested - Big Bang Theory always makes me laugh! And during commercials, which definitely don't keep my focus, I think about how good it is for me to be on the treadmill and how the scale will be nicer to me on my weigh in day LOL
  • cekaai
    cekaai Posts: 1
    I watch the morning news and on the weekends whatever Law & Order marathon is on. I used to listen to music but that was more distracting then helpful for me.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    When I walk the treadmill at home, I usually have some movies taped (no commercials), and that can keep me going at least an hour. I have a "whole house" DVR, so I can start it in the basement while I walk on the treadmill, then switch it to the living room to finish watching later. I get too bored listening to music on the treadmill.
  • Hopelessbird
    I watch netflix or hulu on my phone or ipad if I am planning to do cardio for more than 45 minutes.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I would read, and before you know it I was on it for 60 minutes :)
  • 1finesheri1
    the dvr in our basement is not set up yet, so when i am on the elliptical, i bring down the laptop and put a movie in - i usually pick something that my husband would not want to watch w/ me! the 30 min are up before you know it.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    high energy fast count music, podcast specifically for running, like indie podcasts, or an iPad app I have treadmillVRmax with different running scenes that repeat... I can run on the beach, run in the clouds, through the woods, over a long bridge etc...
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    Play words with friends on my phone or read a book!!
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    I get engrossed in my music and the time seems to fly by.
  • liveonlocation
    liveonlocation Posts: 90 Member
    I watch a show on Netflix on my iPad. Most shows are either 22 mins or 44 mins. So I pick an "hour" show and get a warm up and cool down in 44 mins. Works great.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I never understood how people could read while on the treadmill/elliptical.
    I crank up my iPod and watch a tv at the same time. Bonus if the gym has closed captions, but mostly I just watch HGTV and guess what they're talking about.
  • kilbey1
    kilbey1 Posts: 12
    Walk or run outside. :)

    Ok, I realize this question is focused on gym equipment. I use apps on my iPhone that give me voice prompts, encouragement AND music to keep me going. Lolo makes a line of these that are easy and fun to use.
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    I always try to get to the gym in time for Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, when they replay them at 5 CT during the week. Otherwise, my gym has wifi and I bring my ipad and watch Netflix streaming. I was watching Biggest Loser for motivation, but I'm starting to get really angry the show for its unsustainable weight loss practices.
  • rlawrimore
    rlawrimore Posts: 72 Member
    Just good music and sometime what the TV while listening to my music.
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    Usually I just have my music, or text, or make it time to just think.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I have my two children (6mos and 3yrs) with me all day, so I never have any quiet time. So, I do 45 mins on the elliptical and read on my Kindle the entire time. I am able to block the gym noise out and the time flies by!! I make sure I have already started the book - and it is a good one - so I am instantly engrossed. I find that this works better for me than TV, as I am at the gym and have no control over what is playing.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I listen to music or I recently started watching Golden Girls episodes on YouTube. Makes the minutes go by very fast (however, this is MY favorite show lol)
  • Mustangsally33
    I always watch TV at the Gym and it helps me to keep going ! When I get tired I tell myself to just make it to commercial and by then I am usually over wanting to quit and just keep going ! Or like you, get lost in the program and finish no problem .........
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    the best advice is...

    do not look at the time. just focus on the burn and you will get there.

    I start off at 15 minutes and then push for 5 minutes more each time . eventually you will hit your goal.

    your goal should be intensity not minutes. 10 minutes at your highest intensity is way better than 30 minutes at mid/low intensity.

    just push hard and fast as long as you can and your endurance will build.
  • Farmgirl67
    I have the entire "Seinfeld" collection on DVD and watch 2 episodes while I'm on the elliptical. I love it and I've lost 10 pounds since I started doing it this way.