


  • Emnee
    Emnee Posts: 33 Member
    I have Hypo as well and I am on 125mcg of Synthroid.

    I eat between 1600-1900 calories per day.

    I teach Zumba 8x/week (so this is everyday except Wednesday, I teach 2 classes) Each class burns around 400-500 calories

    I eat around 100 grams of carbs/day and around 150 grams protein/day

    I cheat every Friday and eat whatever I want.

    I have lost weight doing this and have gained muscle too....well, not bulked up, but have gotten more lean for a 42 year old woman.

    Research coconut oil. I have been eating this for 5 weeks now. I started ti help my skin, but one of the benefits of coconut oil is thyroid function. Now, I have not been tested, so I will know more once I get re-tested this summer.

    Wow! You teach Zumba? That is awesome! I LOVE zumba. My friends and I go every week (sometimes more often if we can). :love: I should give this coconut oil a try. Does this help with dry skin? My skin is very dry. On top of it being a symptom of thyroidism, I think it runs in my dad's side of the family. :grumble:
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    I agree with you...be careful of 'natural' hypothyroid supplements...best to go with what the doctor prescribed...once a day (30-60 min before breakfast).
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    Bumping for the info as I have it also. And I have lost a total of 84 lbs and I started losing better when I went on Synthroid and also Metformin. :)
  • taratam83
    taratam83 Posts: 88 Member
    I was 2 years before my numbers finally leveled out. Much like the rest of you I take synthroid everyday, Its tremendously hard to get the scale to budge (other than up- thats real easy!!! lol). Soy is horrible for you in all forms and according to my Dr you should not eat it if you can help it. I was addicted to coffee during the time I was trying to get my thyroid straight and drinking 6-8 servings (or more) of coffeemate creamer... all soy! feeling much better now that things are worked out and no soy products. Best thing - eat close to the ground, exercise, and *try* to avoid processed foods (near impossible I know) but if you do eat a processed food - LOOK at the label... sometimes you can find a healthier alternative in processed foods. My whole household just made the switch from kraft mac and cheese to annies organic mac and cheese. (i have 2 kids under 5 who looove this stuff) Though it costs more money at least I know there are no chemicals in it.
  • taratam83
    taratam83 Posts: 88 Member
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I was just diagnosed about a year ago..but struggled for 10 years. I am on 60 mg of Armour Thyroid. Weight loss was about a pound a week...then lost 10 pounds in a month doing low carb (primal diet)..I am now working on building muscle to get rid of the last bit of fat...
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm right there w/ you. I've never had a problem with weight (I've kept a few lbs from each pregnancy, but thats it). Was 170lbs when I got pregnant with my last baby but I was so sick and couldn't gain weight (I was down to 150lbs at 4mos prego) I ended up being diagnosed w/ hyperthyroidism. I couldn't take the right doses of meds for fear of hurting my baby so I had my thyroid removed. Instead of losing weight when I had her I ended up gaining and hit over 200lbs! I was depressed and discouraged but I've been working out w/ Jillian Michaels 30DayShred and Ripped in 30 and have been watching what I eat and I'm down to 185! You just have to keep working and keep in mind its going to be alot harder and more time consuming to get the scales to move. Also, try getting a tape measure, I ended up losing 11 inches in 30 days from the Shred work outs but only 6lbs...I've decided that the tape measure is my best friend. Good luck and don't give up!
  • emboch
    emboch Posts: 60
    I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism in January. I gained a lot of weight, but since I have been on the medication I have been pretty much just hanging around the same weight and not losing. I am determined to get this weight off, so I am not giving up because even if I am not losing at least I am starting to live the healthy life that I have always wanted. I drink lots of water actually that is the only thing I will drink and I love working out now which is something I never did before and fruits and veggies are so yummy to me now! It is crazy how things change so drastically for the better when you put your mind to it. If anyone has any tips, that would be great! Feel free to add me as well. We can do this together!
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    Bumping for all the great info. I have Hypothyroidism also and I do feel it makes me lose much slower than others. When I am very diligent , tracking every calorie in and out, is when I lose.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I have struggled with hypothyroidism since I was 20 yrs old. Wow! 26 years now. Scary. Anyway, I find that what works best for me is too eat all day long. I have no "big" meals. Instead I keep my breakfast around 200, lunch around 300 and dinner somewhere in between 300-400 calories. This leaves me plenty of "snack" calories for between each meal and YES even at night. This seems to keep what little metabolism I have left going. Also, for those of us struggling with metabolic issues, it is even more crucial not to drop our calories too low as we are much more susceptable to the "starvation mode" effect.

    What would too low be? I'm just asking because I've been wondering if I'm eating enough or too many calories. MFP has me eating 1270, and I always try to get under that. (No less than 1200 though) How many do you eat? (I'm 5' 5.5")

  • clutterkd
    I too have hypothyroidism and am new to mfp in hopes of dropping the weight that I have gained since the radiation treatments to kill my thyroid. I take 112 mg of synthroid m to f and 224 mg on saturday and sunday. Still I have no energy. Thank you for the inforamtion on soy. For three months I had been eating protein shakes for breakfast and lunch to loose weight and did not have success with it, instead I gained weight and looked like I was bloated. I realize this will be harder than normal but I have to do something.
  • Jaeliyah
    Jaeliyah Posts: 2
    I struggled with weight gain until my endocrinologist adjusted my medication. Synthroid didn't work for me, the lab results were always fine but I still felt awful and gained weight. I changed to a different medication and feel much better. Just a thought.

    Can I ask what medication you're taking now? I've been taking Synthroid a little over a year now, and I feel generally horrible since I started.
  • enaves1986
    enaves1986 Posts: 46 Member
    I have had my thyroid removed and my luck is with protein smoothie's, it also pays to be accountable for what you eat and drink. Add weight training, it does help with metabolism.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Thyroid removed 5 years ago and cancer found. No more treatment for that thankfully. Currently on 100 levothrox... Put pounds on, took pounds off, put pouns on, took them off. You get the idea. Best thing for me is exercise. Try to do "something" every day. It might be a bit harder, but just keep working at it. Good luck !!
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    I struggled with weight gain until my endocrinologist adjusted my medication. Synthroid didn't work for me, the lab results were always fine but I still felt awful and gained weight. I changed to a different medication and feel much better. Just a thought.

    what is the other medication you are taking? i am taking synthroid and lab results say i'm in the normal range but i continue to have symptoms...i can't convince my doctor that it is my thyroid but i will find another doctor if i have to....