Type 2 Diabetics...........Article about very low carb and r

Here is an article I received on my I-google page.............
Does a low-carb diet really help control or even reverse type 2 diabetes? According to a study from Duke University, a very low-carb diet (20 grams or less a day) gave participants better blood sugar control and more effective weight loss than participants who followed a low-glycemic reduced calorie diet.
Eighty-four people with obesity and type 2 diabetes took part in the study. During the study, both groups also had the supportive benefit of group meetings, nutritional supplementation and an exercise program. After 6 months, the low-carb group had lower hemoglobin A1c results, lost more weight, and 95% were able to reduce or even totally eliminate their diabetes medications. The reduced calorie group did lose weight, and 62% of them were also able to reduce or eliminate their medications, but the low-carb diet group had better overall results.

"It's simple," says Eric Westman, MD, director of Duke's Lifestyle Medicine Program and lead author of the study. "If you cut out the carbohydrates, your blood sugar goes down, and you lose weight which lowers your blood sugar even further. It's a one-two punch."

The low-carb diet used in the study is very restrictive on carb intake, with participants eating under 20 grams of carbs a day. This may be difficult for many people to stick to, but as Dr. Westman says, "This is a therapeutic diet for people who are sick," says Westman. "These lifestyle approaches all have an intensive behavioral component. In our program, people come in every two weeks to get reinforcements and reminders. We've treated hundreds of patients this way now at Duke, and what we see clinically and in our research shows that it works."

Keep in mind that there is more to these results than just diet. Both groups also exercised regularly as well. Diet combined with exercise is the cornerstone of diabetes management. Before starting any diet program, please talk with your doctor, or healthcare provider.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    That's very interesting. 20 carbs a day. I just now got used to about 40 carbs. I am half way there.
    I may try it next week. I am going to have an almost 0 carbs Salad tonight. That 20 carbs a day. would give me 5 carbs per meal and a Late snack before bedtime. That wouldn't be to bad. I would have to get me some good vitamins to go on this.
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    I am living proof that low carb can help with diabetes.

    When I was pregnant with my second son I became diabetic. I was even put on insulin. I couldn't handle the blood sugar lows and having to give myself a needle twice a day.

    I asked my doc if I could control it with diet if I could get rid of the insulin. He said "sure", but wasn't too optimistic.

    I ate tons of veggies, lean protein and very rarely had any high carb stuff. Within a week or so of eating like that I was in the clear. My doc couldn't believe it. :D

    After I delivered my baby, my blood sugar went back to normal. I have been kinda bouncin around with my diet, but when I do a lower carb, more veggie diet, I feel amazing. I sometimes struggle with low blood sugar, but eating this way totally controls it...

    Just wanted to share!! :smile:
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    great story....i want off these meds
