runners, how long do you stretch?



  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    how much time do you spend stretching before a run? how long do you stretch after a run? which stretches are your favorites?

    I'm finding a lot of good work outs and stretches on I'd definitely check it out.

    This ^^^^

    Love RW. Their articles are excellent. The videos, esp. for exercises such as dynamic stretches and core strengthening, are wonderful tools! You can even find running plans there too.

    But as for the OP question, I usually work out before I go for my run so I am already loose and warm. Otherwise, I will do about 5 min of dynamic stretching before my run and about 5 min of static stretches after my run. If I don't feel like stretching, I will walk briskly for about 3 min and get right to running from there.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i dont stretch before i run, i warm up and loosen up, stretching can be very hard on the muscles if you do it before a workout and can lead to injury. concentrate on stretching after the run
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I don't stretch before, but I take the first 0.5-1 km as a slow jog, gradually getting up to speed. If I'm doing a race, I'll do a dynamic warm-up.

    After, I do a 6-minute stretching routing that my physiotherapist gave me (mainly calves/arches), then roll my IT band and quads on a foam roller.

    I never stretch cold due to risk of injury; I'll either do it during/after a workout or (gently) in a steamy shower or bath.
  • harriet_tubman
    i don't stretch before i run (maybe i should). i usually just walk for 5 min.
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't stretch before a run. Once I complete one, I'll walk around a little bit to cool down (2-3min). The prob spend 5 or so min stretching after. Nothing fancy but simple calf, quad, ect.

    I've heard yoga is awesome and if you can stand hot yoga, that's even better.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I do joint mobility actions before I run, learned in my tai chi class. Then after I run I spend at least 15 minutes stretching. I also spend on hour at least once a week stretching and do yoga once a week as well. If I don't do these two extras for a couple of weeks, I feel it for sure.