Here to lose around 70lbs by 7/15

This year I will be turning 22 years old. Until recently I never thought of myself as being obese. I am 5'7 and currently 240. The heaviest i have ever been is 250 at the start of this month. I would like to lose about 70 more lbs by my birthday. I realize its a short time frame, but i have never been more focused on anything in my life. I also have my girlfriend, who is doing this with me. I truly want to change my lifestyle and be healthy and fit for the first time since, i dont know when. I would love to go to the beach this summer and not feel self conscious. I have recently started seeing a nutritionist, as diabetes is becoming more of a certainty if i dont adjust my lifestyle . She has me on a strict diet, I hope it works! I am also exercising 40-60 minutes a day. I am around 8lbs lighter from the start of this month, but havent been on this plan for more than two weeks. My goal is to lose 4-5 lbs a week. Cant wait to be posting my before and afters here!


  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Good luck and congrats on your progress so far.

    Keep your eye on the prize and don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen as fast as you would like. It is about changing your lifestyle, not meeting a certain goal by a certain time :smile:
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    you can do it!
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    dont stop and stay focused. never get comfortable! work hard at everything you do whether it is planning your diet or working out. Hard work pays off!
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Good luck,feel free to add me as a friend for support if you'd like :happy:
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    I have doing this for a little over 2 months and lost almost 40lbs. I have alot more to lose then you, but I am also more then twice your age. If an old man like me can do it, a young pup like yourself can do it in a heart beat. Good Luck.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Just one thing I want to say... besides good luck and congrats on the 10 pounds... is don't kick yourself down, if you don't make the 70 pounds lost mark... As long as you are healthy (ie lowered risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, among other things), weight is just a number... measure your inches and your physical endurance, too... because those are just as important, if not more so.

    Again, good luck! :drinker:
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 396 Member
    I'm glad you're using a nutritionist to make this adjustment, but please be aware that 4-5 pounds per week is not likely to be a safe, consistent loss. Don't get discouraged, but keep up the work. You seem to have a lot of things in place to help you, such as your girlfriend's support. Good luck!
  • brock303030
    brock303030 Posts: 7 Member
    It can be done! I have lost an average of 5 pounds per week since January 2. I didn't go on a special diet. In the past when I have done programs I could maintain it for 2-3 months and then I hated life. I just accepted I like to eat what I like to eat. In the morning I have a protein shake. Lunch when I am working I go to Taco Bell or whatever. I have 300-480 calories for that. Get home I usually have a bowl of cearel and keep that around 280 calories. I then either go on my ellipitical or walk. I have a fitbit so I can track how many calories I burn. Every day I try to have a 2500 calorie defecit. When I go out to resturants I ask the waiter to give me a to-go box so I can put half the meal away instantly. I try to drink 8-15 cups of water every day. Starting next week I am uping my calories to 1800 with another 80 grams of protein and will start lifting weights and I will maintain the cardio I am doing. The biggest change in my life is cutting out the regular soda and only having 1 or 2 diet sodas per day.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • quay157
    quay157 Posts: 7
    Wow I am so glad I found this website! It has become a great tool AND FRIEND! Thank you for all the encouragement!
  • lrgirl81
    lrgirl81 Posts: 14
    Congratulations on taking control of your life! 70 pounds in less than 4 months is a very ambitious goal. If this is your first full- hearted attempt at losing weight, you may want to set nutriion and fitness goals instead of a weight goal and let your body take care of the time frame. I would hate for you to dismiss all your success if you do not meet your scale goal by a specific date. Maybe you should make a checklist of daily/weekly goals and commit to meeting them X days before your birthday? If you work hard you will be in such a better place, and it is amazing what a great attitude and persistance can do. Good luck with your goals.
  • quay157
    quay157 Posts: 7
    . When I go out to resturants I ask the waiter to give me a to-go box so I can put half the meal away instantly.

    Love this tip. eating out has been my biggest fault in gaining so much of my weight. Plus when ever I used to eat i would not stop until there was nothing left on my plate PERIOD. Even if i knew i was full. I am no longer going to let that happen.
  • twila18
    twila18 Posts: 1
    Hello my name is twila and i have a GOAL to reach and with your help and support i am going to reach it. Thank you
  • Also, if you and your girlfriend are doing this together-- another going out tip:

    Split the meal and order a salad. You can't do a ton of damage eating a half of burger, half of fries, and a half of salad AND it saves you money! Its taken me YEARS to convince my boyfriend to this with me, but he's finally caught on!
  • quay157
    quay157 Posts: 7
    Haha she suggested that to me just the other day. I am going to avoid going out, but i know its inevitable. i think think sharing a meal is going to help us tons.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Also, if you and your girlfriend are doing this together-- another going out tip:

    Split the meal and order a salad. You can't do a ton of damage eating a half of burger, half of fries, and a half of salad AND it saves you money! Its taken me YEARS to convince my boyfriend to this with me, but he's finally caught on!

    My friends and I do this all the time, get one meal and add a soup or salad to the side, then split the meal. We started doing it so that we would have more "night out" funds to share a bottle of wine together, but after a while you really see the health effects of splitting a meal.

    Portions are HUGE these days.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Also, if you and your girlfriend are doing this together-- another going out tip:

    Split the meal and order a salad. You can't do a ton of damage eating a half of burger, half of fries, and a half of salad AND it saves you money! Its taken me YEARS to convince my boyfriend to this with me, but he's finally caught on!

    My friend just introduced me to this trick. It makes so much sense! I also try to drink a glass of water before each meal and eat slower. (vs. cramming then realizing I'm over full)
  • Alpine005
    Alpine005 Posts: 87 Member
    It's awesome that you are pumped up right now, that's a great place to start a life change like this.

    As much as I'd like to say good luck, you can do it, etc., etc. I'm going to offer some advice, but please don’t let it discourage you.

    The reality of the situation is that it's almost impossible to keep your level of current enthusiasm. It's great to aim high, but I'd encourage you to re-think your goals or maybe forget about goals completely. I think the biggest obstacle people face when trying to lose weight is living up to self-imposed bench marks that may not be all that realistic. When they don't reach them, they feel that they have failed, get frustrated and give up. I'm not trying to discourage you, but losing 70 pounds by 7/15 is not all that realistic (at your weight).

    My recommendation would be to find a daily calorie number you can live with long term (you want to keep it off right?) and will still leave you with a calorie deficit so that you can lose 2 pounds a week. This will still be a challenging feat. This will be a plan you can easily stick with and you'll be down 30-35 pounds by 7/15. You'll feel great and starting habits and a lifestyle that's sustainable.
  • Good luck, thats going to be a tough one, in less than 4 months, but I hope you can hit it. We're right about the same stats - about 11 years of age. Im 5'7 started at 240 down to 218 now in just about 8 weeks. I added you as a friend maybe having someone with the same goal as me will push me harder too!
  • rwbgator
    rwbgator Posts: 4 Member
    The only thing I would say is don't set yourself up for quick weight lose.. 2.5 lbs a week is the healthy way to go.. you will not get frustrated if you didn't lose that 4 to 5 lbs a week.. Also, setting small goals each month is helpful too. This new change in your eating and exercising should be a life time commitment. It is not a quick fix.. Good luck on your journey..
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    From what I understand, most people can only lose about 2 pounds of fat a week. It's not a race. Consider re-working your goals a little bit and settle in for the long haul. I kind of had to re-work my goals when I started.