Hello everyone! KFC is a liar and I wanted to call them out on it. I was hoping they were jumping on the band wagon of healthier food with their new marketing campaign but no, not really.

KFC proudly advertises zero grams of trans fats on their nutrition labels and in their marketing campaigns all while using trans fats in their food preparations. The new grilled chicken is especially being touted as a healthier choice for chicken all while that too is being prepared using trans fats.

Here is a statement from the kfc.com website:
"All of your KFC chicken products contain Zero Grams Trans Fat per serving. KFC has found the perfect recipe, incorporating the Colonel’s 11 herbs and spices with a new cooking oil that contains Zero Grams of Trans Fat per Serving. Besides our finger-lickin’ chicken, many of your favorite KFC side dishes have Zero Grams Trans Fat per serving, including mashed potatoes and corn on the cob."

Now, I challenge YOU to go to kfc.com and click on the "Zero Grams Trans Fat" Navigation link. Yes, they actually have an entire section of their website gloating about a lie and I am going to prove it to you. After you have read over their "Zero Grams of Trans Fat per serving" Statement on "All of your KFC chicken products" click on the Ingredients statement and do a search for "Hydrogenated". You can do this easiest by clicking on the Binocular icon to the upper left and search for the word, "hydrogenated". You will pull up as I did a total of 79 results! That is an astonishing number for a fast food chain to claim zero grams of trans fats. Shouldn't that high number read zero if they don't use any trans fats? There is no grey area here it is a blatant in excusable dangerous lie that is at least partially responsible for the health crises in our great nation.

For those of you unfamiliar with hydrogenation... Any time you read an ingredient list and you see either hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil or fats then it has trans fats regardless of what the nutrition label says. Hydrogenated fat (trans fat) is a man made "synthetic" like substance to reduce spoilage over longer periods of time. The health affects are known to be unstable and have been for a while. Man invented hydrogenation, a chemical process of hydrogenating perfectly good and natural unsaturated fats (healthy fats) and transforming them into hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils known as trans fats. Man invented this chemical process around the late 1960's / early 1970's.

To name just a few of the very negative affects this substance has on the body... Lowers "good" cholesterol, raises "bad" cholesterol, raises overall cholesterol serum, raises triglycerides, has been associated with untold numbers of heart attacks and strokes etc. Here is a great publication for more information on trans fats, the political battles and the fatalistic damage it causes to people: http://www.heall.com/body/healthupdates/food/hydrogenatedfat.html

The F.D.A. recognizes ONLY two grams or more of trans fats a day as a HEALTH HAZARD. Trans fats slowly kills a person and yet their is STILL a legal loop hole that allows KFC and MANY others to advertise Zero Grams of trans fats. I believe in being given the right to know what I'm putting into my body so that I can choose for myself if I want that particular food or not, don't you?

Here is where KFC and thousands of other food manufacturers get away with out right lying to us in their nutrition labels. The government says food manufactures can legally round down to the nearest whole number per serving. That means if a food item contains point four grams of trans fat per serving or less they can print ZERO grams of trans fat on the nutrition label. The only way that you and I can know if this deadly substance is in our food is by reading the ingredients list to make sure hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are NOT included. Sadly, KFC has this substance listed 79 times on the back of a nutrition label that reads zero grams.

How come KFC and MANY others still get away with these deadly lies? It's because of us. Far too many of us, we the people, are apathetic. Too many of us don't care. Power is always in numbers especially in a democracy and a market place that is fueled by consumer demand. Sadly too many of us are LAZY in learning, lazy in taking care of our health, lazy in teaching others, and too self centered to care.

I'm proud to associate myself with people who do care, who read my articles and appreciate their worth, who reach out to others, who nurture and support their fellow people. Now if only THAT kind of care and motivation can spread to the majority to replace an APATHETIC majority just imagine what we can do in this great nation of ours!

Tom - your friendly neighborhood Independent Beachbody coach...*laugh*

P.S. If KFC cleans up their ingredients I will be the first in line for a big ole basket of chicken because they have some yummy tasting food their!


  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to post this. I will have to go check out the KFC website. :grumble:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Yes thank you for posting this. I will always think twice now before ever eating there.
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    KFC (Killing ****ing Chickens as I call them) have been lying for years about their nutritional information and how they torture their chickens before they are killed. They recently went "cruelty free" in Canada. They have been caught in so many lies I think they have lost track. They are totally unaccountable to their actions unless it includes a multi million dollar lawsuit. Aside from that their food is a disgusting, deep fried nightmare.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I remember the chicken torture scandal caught on video tape a few years back. It was really bad. The majority just doesnt care so it will continue sadly because it's all fueled by consumer demand.
  • csw5048
    csw5048 Posts: 26
    It all goes back to Nutrition Facts and being allowed to round down on them. Just like the butter substitutes rounding down to zero on those.
  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    I tried the grilled KFC chicken last night, thinking it was somewhat healthy.

    After I ate my first piece I realized how greasy my napkin was.. I ended up using 3 napkin for 3 pieces (they are small) of chicken.

    This is NOT grilled chicken. Chicken I cook on my grill outside doesnt have grease all over it.

    Just a friendly warning to everyone who is thinking about trying the new chicken. It's pretty good, but I dont think it's any better for you then their fried chicken, it's just as greasy.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    It's not really grilled? But, it has to be grilled they put those diagonal grill marks on them to give it that "grilled" look.. :laugh:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I tried the grilled KFC chicken last night, thinking it was somewhat healthy.

    After I ate my first piece I realized how greasy my napkin was.. I ended up using 3 napkin for 3 pieces (they are small) of chicken.

    This is NOT grilled chicken. Chicken I cook on my grill outside doesnt have grease all over it.

    Just a friendly warning to everyone who is thinking about trying the new chicken. It's pretty good, but I dont think it's any better for you then their fried chicken, it's just as greasy.

    It's actually roasted not grilled..my daughter works there, it is however better for you then their regular chicken, but it's still all junk! :laugh: