New here--no surgery for me!!

I had my yearly physical 1 month ago today and got a rude awakening! My dr said my blood sugar was border line diabetic, high blood pressure (taking 2 pills), cholesterol is way high (already take a pill), and I had to lose weight. I do not seem to have the will power to follow a diet so she told me that if couldn't lose weight I needed to think about gastric bypass. At first I thought, cool--I'll lose fast that way. Then after I had time to stop being mad at my dr for sugessting I should eat properly, :wink: I said "what is wrong with me--surgery? No Way!! Well, I set my mind to eating healthy and measuring portions...OMG I've lost 10 pounds already and I love eating fruits and veggies instead of pints of ice cream!!! I definitely already have to agree that your body will start to crave what you give it....I love it! And instead of big scoops of food, I now measure things and since it's healthy food I'm still full! It was a bit discouraging to see one website tell me to lose 81 pounds...I'll be 60 this birthday and wasn't that small in high school! But then I thought no, my goal will be 10 pounds.. I did it , my next goal is 14 more; then a new goal. I have fibromyalgia so it's hard to exercise, but I already have more energy so who knows. Sorry I'm long-winded, but just wanted to share with people that understand how exciting it can be. Oh yes, logging my food has made me so much more aware of what I eat!!


  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    i'm glad for you and wish you the best
  • crazytxgran
    Thank you whitehandlady---it helps to no there are so many people doing the same thing that offer their support!
    TANKENEY32 Posts: 105 Member
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Hey, I'm 21 and trying to learn to eat healthy too! You've got this! :wink:
  • RXchic
    RXchic Posts: 47
    You have a lot of courage which will help you to meet your goals. So glad to hear you decided against surgery - I have met so many people who have had bad complications. You are off to a great start. Just keep going and you will be at goal in no time - no surgery required! :wink:
  • a_new_mii
    a_new_mii Posts: 53
    I do not seem to have the will power to follow a diet so she told me that if couldn't lose weight I needed to think about gastric bypass. At first I thought, cool--I'll lose fast that way.

    That is a fatal mistake when it comes to gastric bypass. If you don't adhere to a strict diet for the rest of your life following the surgery- you gain all the weight back and you can die. Stroke, blood clots, ruptured intestine, heart failure.... of the six people I know who have had the surgery, only one has remained thin and healthy the rest gained it all back, suffered major complications and one died. Gastric bypass reduces the length of the intestines, which aids in weight loss because the food has less time to be absorbed into your body, but also means your body can only absorb some of the nutrients.
    As grave as my personal experiences are with GB surgery, I have to admit that I considered it too.
    I also have fibromyalgia and had become completely in active. I was dying slowly. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a very prevalent family history of diabetes.... but I had completely given up hope on every losing this weight. Exercise was out of the question because the littlest exertion left me laid up for three days, in unbearable much pain.
    Last January my Mom got a wii just to play wii fit.
    She lost 25 lbs. in a month.
    I said; 'Hey, I can do that.'
    I went out, bought a wii and started slow. I only played the balance games at first, and only for 10 minutes at a time. At that point, my back couldn't support me much longer.
    After a while, I was taking short walks and coming back to life.
    I started my lifestyle-change in February, I've lost 41 lbs. and I feel healthier than I have in a very, very long time.
    Yeah, if I over do I still get laid up for a day or two, but I just let the house work slide and give my body time to recover. I try to monitor my limits- and avoid those fibro days, but I've accepted that it's going to happen. I'm eating healthier now so I will be able to lose weight (or at least maintain) even during a
    fibro episode.
    As far as the small goals go, I am right there with you. I have a lot of weight to lose, and it's pretty intimidating. But once I lost my first 25 lbs. I had so much confidence I started re thinking just how much I could lose. I want to be 250 before I'm 30, I want to be 170 a year or so later. I still set mini goals, but for the first time ever I believe I can be fit. My ultimate goal is to be healthy and I'm wiling to work for it, even if that means losing twenty more pounds than I ever thought possible.... (although I'm disregaurding the recommended '120 lbs.') at 170 I will still be obese- so 150 is a better weight for me.
    Good luck to you- I'm here for you if you need a fibro-friend.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    That is awesome!! Congratulations on the first 10#'s lost!

    Here's to the steps you are taking to a more rewarding a healthier lifestyle!! :drinker:

    Keep up the great work!! You'll reach your goals!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I think you will love this site. I do. This site is so supportive, helpful, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    That's fantastic! I'm glad you decided to not do the surgery!
    Congrats on the first 10 lbs! Way to go :smile:
    You can do this! Just stick with MFP and you'll be set! MFP is prob the best site out there. Everyone is incredibly supportive on here. When you need advice or just someone to talk to you, get on MFP and we'll help you out!

    Good luck!!!!:flowerforyou: