Set and achieve weekly goals

Posted this to my facebook today, thought it might be helpful here as well.

Having trouble making healthy choices a routine? Each week give yourself a simple measurable goal and a small non food reward (you're not a dog) if you reach that goal for the week. Within a month or two those choices will become routine and you will no longer need to keep track of them the same way. Some example goals and rewards:
Goals: Keep them measurable
Drink x number of ounces a water a
Eat x servings of fruits and veggies a day
workout x times a week
Dessert no more than x times a week

Rewards: Kepp them small enough that you can maintain for a month or two but meaningful enough you want to work for them
A paperback book (I did this with a series and get several weeks out of it)
A simple clothing item
5 or 10$ torwads a larger goal (problem: no immediate gratification)

You get the idea. It only takes a few minutes to think about and write it down but makes a large impact in results.


  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Awesome idea, thanks. I tend to make my goals too big and make too many of them, so may just focus on one this week and if I can stick to it reward myself on Sunday, then keep doing this until it's habit before starting a new one. It's hard not to try drastically change all your bad habits in one go though haha.