


  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Wait till the muscle weighs more than fat, eat/ don't eat back exercise calories, and TOM threads start up again. There's more, but we'll cross that river when we get there.

    Good point. I haven't seen as many TOM threads lately. I guess I would still take them over all the bashing threads going on lately. I have been on both sides. Both have their perks and downfalls. There are unpleasant people of all sizes.

    I agree. I would much sooner see TOM threads (as annoying as they are) than one more bashing thread.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    Skinny people that have never been overweight are REALLY annoying when they b!tch about a few pounds here and there

    this is isnt really a fair statement. you dont personally know how they view themselves so to say that its annoying is hurtful to those with and without weight issues. everyone has self-esteem and without knowing exactly how they feel or living every moment of thier lives, saying a persons unhappiness with themselves is annoying is neither helpful nor positive. we are all beautiful, but we dont all see ourselves that way.

    I guess I wasn't clear in my tone, what I am saying is that to a fat person the skinny person is annoying. They may have their own issues that they are working through, but when you have 100+ to loose and someone is complaining about 3lbs, it just seems trivial.

    When I was at my ideal weight, not watching those last three pounds turned into the last 5 pounds, 10, 20 and now over 70. None of it is trivial. Why be upset that someone has either worked to get to that point or to stay at that point while the larger person didn't bother, didn't exercise, didn't watch calories? The larger person was just as able to stay the smaller size as the smaller person. They just didn't do it. I am lumped in with 'they' here.