I weight 227lbs, can lose 32lbs by 1st June



  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I weight 227lbs, I am a woman, can lose 32lbs by 1st June, I been execising at least 2 hrs a day. I am eating about 1380 calories and drinking 3litres of water. Should I increase my length execrise? What can I do to hit this goal. I need all your help. I know there are some experts on here. So I welcome your advice and help Thank you


    You could certainly lose 10-20lbs in the next 9 weeks (i.e. "by June 1st"), but not by eating 1380 calories a day and exercising for 2 hours a day.

    You need to hit a NET of (whatever caloric intake you need to be at -500 calories from maintenance).

    To put it simply, you need something like this:

    Let's say your body needs 1900 calories a day to stay the same weight. You want to lose 1lb a week, so you need to ditch 500 calories per day, no more, no less, no cheating, no bull****.

    1) Wake up. You need to eat 1400 calories today. You eat a breakfast consisting of 500 calories of mainly of a protein and green vegetables. You have 900 calories to go.
    2) Run for an hour. You burn 300 calories. You now need to eat 1200 calories today.
    3) Drink a Gatorade after the run. You now need 1000 calories today (I'm guessing).
    4) Go to work and eventually eat a 600 calorie lunch consisting mainly of a protein and green vegetables. You have 400 calories to go.
    5) Go to the gym after work and run for another hour. You burn 300 calories. You have 700 calories to go.
    6) Eat a 500 calorie dinner at home consisting mainly of a protein and green vegetables. You have 200 calories to go.
    7) Have a couple of cheese sticks as a snack before bed. You have 0 calories to go.

    Rinse and repeat for 9 weeks and you'll lose 9lbs. You will likely lose more, actually, because for most heavy people the "top" 5-10lbs are what's referred to as "water weight".
  • Randins2006
    oh i o believe you most deffinately would!!!!!! june 1st is more than 60days away, that means you will only have to lose like .5lbs a day. you got this! :))
    (i know, i am quoting myself)lol
    but all weightloss is, is just a math formula and sticking to the formula. you take how many days you want to lose your weight by (65days) (to be down by june 1st).
    divide how much weight you plan on losing in tht time (32lbs)
    so so far:

    31lbs / 65days= .5lbs/day

    and there are 3,500 cals in 1lb of fat.
    OR 1,750 cals in .5lbs

    so that means YOU only need to burn 1,750 cals. a day

    a human burns between 1,800- 2,000 cals (depending on their weight,age and sex: [you can look yours up online]) a day JUST by having normal bodily functions(thinking,breathing, ect) for now, we will put u at the lower end (1,800 cals)
    So just by doing NOTHING you already are burning off more then what you NEED to for your goal....BUT you have to eat right?!

    So you can either:
    A) Eat the 1,800 Cals your body Naturally burns and then exersize off 1,750 cals a day.

    B)Eat less Cals (Lets say 1,300). then, let you body naturally burn off the extra 500 cals (from the 1,800). then exersice only 1,250 cals off per day.

    c)or drop the cal intake even lower (1,000 cals/day) . let ur body burn off the extra 800 cals(from the 1,800). then exersize only 950 cals off/day

    OP, take note of the source. This is horrible advice and will never get you to goal. She is nowhere near goal, nor will she be with this sort of plan.

    okay look LADY...

    1) i was NOT talking to you
    2) Look it up. ALL of my facts are CORRECT
    1lb= 3,500 cals
    an average person burns between 1,800-2,000 cals/ day through normal bodily activities
    (hence why that is the minimum cals we need to intake to MAINTAIN weight) key word MAINTAIN.
    this girl, nor i am looking to MAINTAIN
    we are trying to LOSE there for we need to either eat LESS or exersize MORE or BOTH.
    which is exactly wat i was telling her up there^^^^^
    i was just giving her a mathmatical equation so she knows EXACTLY how much per day she needs to lose.
    and STICK with it.

    So yes, my formula DOES make since
    and she CAN lose that weight in that amount of time because
    900 Cals- 1,300 cals is NOT hard at ALL to burn a day.
    it only requires about 2hrs on an eliptical
    just a couple hours of whatever activity she enjoys.... she can look up on the exersize log and online to see hour many hours burns how many calories.

    And if you READ anything about me
    i.e. my page, blog or whatever

    you see that i have A LOT more to lose than HER and therefor it will take me A LOT more time.
    I begun my weight loss journey (following this formula; for MY OWN TIME, and MY OWN weight loss date) and have lost weight. like i said, if u read nething about me, U WOULD KNOW I JUST started MFP like 4days ago.and u see that my ticker shows "no weightloss" because i put in my weight i am NOW not what i began as 6weeks ago. and u would know i only weigh myself ONCE a week on THURSDAYS. its NOT thursday yet, is it?

    Im just saying it is REALISTIC and she doen't have to be extreme dieting for it. she can if she wants, its her body. i was just giving her room to decide what she felt comfy with.
    some people would prefer to eat more, but they would need to exersize more
    some ppl would prefer to exersize less, so they need to eat less
    or you can half it. not eat too much orr little and not exersize too much or too little.

    like i said this is for LOSS not maintainence. not muscle gain. just burning fat. and if 1lb of fat is 3,500 cals. that is how much you need to burn for one damn pound. if you need to burn more pounds you burn more cals. like i said, the body burns cals naturally. i am just stating how a person can use it to their advantage.
  • deedog007
    deedog007 Posts: 89 Member
    It is not always about the length of time exercising, but the intensity level. A good intense workout with cardio moves combined with strength/weight training where your heart rate is in the zone for 45 to 60 minutes can be very effective. Again the key is intensity level! My trainer has designed workouts for me that are very intense and burn alot of calories!

    Totally Agreed !!! 90% MHR (H. I.T). i just started this last month and have gained great results!!!