HELP!! How long did it take you to like running?



  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    It really does seem like a mind games at some point (wanting to stop VS. needing to stop). If I do sign up for a 5k, how long should I give myself to get ready?

    When I did my first race, I just looked for one that was in my area and that interested me. For example, the theme of the race, (St. Patrick's day, Turkey trot, fallen officers, pet adoption, fighting cancer) what organization the fees are going to support, the type of trail; whether there's hills, the scenery, etc.

    When I found the one I wanted to do, I signed up and that's how much time I had to prepare. (6-8 weeks, approximately) Like I said, even if you have to walk parts, it's so worth it!
  • mudra123
    mudra123 Posts: 14 Member
    starting late here. i SO like the idea of a quick n easy to do calorie burn. my shins kill me in 2 minutes.

    am told i need to build stamina with a 2 minute run followed by a 2 minute walk and keep doing reps of it. Also get fitted for a good running shoe as I have flat feet
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I still hate it for the first 10 minutes of every run, after that I love it!!!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I liked the idea of it too. Turns out I don't really like doing it. Exercise is bad enough; I don't feel I should have to suffer doing something I just really don't like! lol
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Uh, never. I hated every single minute of it, which is probably why I stopped doing it, lol.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I am still waiting to like I have been running for 3 months and I just completed my first 5km race.... If I didn't have my run club I don't think I'd run on my own. I do like aspects of running but I have been having calf issues and it is starting to really interfere with my running

    Although there is nothing better than that feeling once you've accomplished the run!!
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I don't like it. I just do it. Just like i don't LIKE going to work but i still do it. But i feel great after. And what better way to check out the hot guys that are also running. You look like a chump if you're just walking by checking them out. If you're running tho--yeah, they're checking you out too :wink:
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    I wouldn't say I like it, but I am addicted. Once I got off the treadmill and outside I didn't dread it. After my first 5K I began itching to run another race. Within an hour of finishing a quarter marathon I realized that I was stronger than I thought I was. I am not one of those people who giddily ties up their running shoes, but...I love the runner's high; I like running a route faster than I have before; I enjoy the nervousness at the beginning of a race; Now that my distance is increasing I am loving the calorie burns; I like how strong my legs are becoming and how low my resting heartrate is. Like others have said, try a C25K and give yourself some time. You may never "like" it, but you may love what it does for you.
  • MissMollieD
    MissMollieD Posts: 130
    I hate it. But I worked so hard to be able to run a 5K, that I don't ever want to get to a point again where I can't! So I just keeping running, just keep running (sung to the Nemo tune). :o)
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm still new to it but I love /hate it every time!!!! I ran 7.5 miles the other day and 10 months ago I couldn't run more than 30 sec with out that!!!! Running has changed my that too!!! Hate that it's so hard....but nothing that comes easy feels as great as coming in all sweaty after a great run!!!!
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    When I started running outside and running races. It's never fun on a treadmill.

    As for how long to give yourself? Couch to 5k takes approximately 9 weeks.

    100% agree.

    i dreaded running on a treadmil, and did it for a year cause i signed up for a half marathon ((without ever running). then i STILL hated it, but signed up for a second half, and started running OUTSIDE and signed up for a full. now i LOVE running. outside = win.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I took to running slowly. I think it was reaching that first 12 minute mile that made me fall in love. Plus keeping a log of my mileage and setting new goals keeps me motivated.
    2010: 555 miles
    2011: 696 mile2
    So far 2012: 182 miles
    To date: 1433 miles
    I'm a 52 year old granny...if I can do this, YOU can do this. :smile:

    Keep on keepin' on....
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    about 3 months. but I never hated it because I have always been an athlete. I just had gotten out of shape so exercising had gotten difficult
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I never liked running. Then I started c25k the first day with no snow on the ground (about 6 weeks ago). The temperature dropped again, there was ice, rain, storms, I went out anyways. A couple weeks in I realized I didn't have to make myself go anymore, I anticipated my runs. I borrowed some books on running from the library, just to do some background reading, and found myself deviating from c25k to go for a 10k program. Wtf, me, a year ago, would laugh at the impossibility of this. Anyhow, I'm about 7 weeks away from running my first 10k, no race yet, just proving to myself that I can do it.
    I agree with other posters that trail running beats treadmills and streets/sidewalks hands down.
  • jquinn1971
    I started liking running when I gave up wanting to run a certain speed and went with the 'run till you need to walk; walk until you can run again' mindset. After that, I loved it. Then discovering trail running was the final nail.
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you so much you guys (you're so encouraging). I think I have probably just been taking it too fast. just looked up the C25K program (I've just been going outside and running for 20-25 minutes straight and hating it).
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I feel like I really began to enjoy it when I became able to run two or so miles without stopping. The beginning was frustrating since I felt like I was going so slow and couldn't sustain it very long. But once I start being able to run for 20 or so minutes at a time, I enjoyed it. Now it's fun because it's a way to constantly challenge myself. There are still days I just don't want to do it, but the days I do, I always enjoy it, or at least the runner's high afterwards.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    It took me a year.
  • Calvinator24
    Calvinator24 Posts: 73 Member
    Started running in March 2010 with C25K. Ran the Dallas White Rock Marathon in December '10 & '11. Training for the OKC Marathon on April 29th. I ran over 120 miles in February and will put in over 160 in March and April.

    I still don't love running. However, I no longer hate it, and I guess I'm addicted because I feel like something is missing if I don't get a scheduled run in.

    I definitely like the results I've gotten since I started using MFP last September. I lost 20 pounds from marathon training in 2010. Put 10 of it back on after taking a few months off after the Rock. I thought I would quickly lose that 10 again and then some when I started back last year. I actually gained 3 pounds over the first 3 months of training in 2011, so I started using MFP, and the pounds started melting away. I'm getting to the point where I have used up most of my reserves, so I can't be as restrictive of my calories now.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    When I completed my first mile without stopping. Or dying.

    Yup that about sums it up for me too. I've been consistently using an elliptical since December and it has always been my exercise of choice. About two weeks ago we had some unseasonably warm weather so I decided to run and see if I could go for a mile along the bike path by my house. Knowing the distance helped to motivate me to keep going and I was able to run a mile without stopping. Now I can't wait for more nice weather so I can keep pushing myself!