Pulled muscle and water weight.

On Friday morning I weighed in at 192.5 which I had been weighing for a week. Then I did my day 22 of 30 day shred and did the elliptical after. A few hours later after my muscles relaxed I noticed a bad pain in my back. I am guessing I pulled a muscle.

So saturday morning I woke up super sore fom my workout. I think I over did it on Friday, pushed myself to hard. Well I got on the scale same time as I always weigh myself and I was 195. Weighed again Sunday and 195 again. Then this morning the same thing 195. I am wondering if this water weight is from me pulling a muscle???

Also how long does it usually take for water weight to go away. I drink at least 2 liters of water a day most days 3.5 liters. Now I know that 2.5 lbs in no big deal and I am sure it is water weight so I was just wondering if a pulled muscle could cause water weight???