HELP With Calorie Counting

Hello! I'm new to myfitnesspal! I'm a college student and trying to shed a few pounds. I've been having morning workouts with a friend who motivates me, but she isn't on the same calorie counting plan that I want to be on so sometimes I get stuck. I do my best to count my calories and I usually scan barcodes on to my iPhone. But is it okay if sometimes they calorie or weight of how much i ate is a little off? Today after dinner I still had 800 calories left to eat (I burned 300 doing cardio this AM) and had no idea what to eat. I was still kind of hungry, but didn't know what to resort to at 7 at night. Is it okay to not have those extra calories? My goal is 1460 a day.

Just need a little guidance

Thank you!!


  • agrzybow
    agrzybow Posts: 38 Member
    I think as a college student it is difficult because you might not have a regular schedule with regular meal times, and that is probably what is causing the calorie confusion. I don't know what kind of budget you have for food, and if you have roommates, how you prepare meals. My suggestion would be to make sure to eat some type of healthy breakfast (I notice if I eat breakfast, I don't feel as hungry during the day). Make a weekly meal plan, and shop once a week for the items you will need to make those meals. Look for easy recipes that are healthy. Maybe some healthy veggie burgers and thin buns? Pieces of fruit, nuts to snack on, eggs, veggies, chicken tenders, just a few suggestions. And maybe plan out times during the day that you will eat. I have a family, so the kids need to eat otherwise they freak out - but I notice when I am on my own, sometimes I have a tendency to do the same thing you are doing ...