Almost 25lbs down. I've reached my first mini goal, BUT....



  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    I feel the same way im down 29lbs I can wear Jeans two sizes smaller.yet when I look im the mirror I still see the fat girl that started this journey. I dont understand why I feel like the way I do. its really frustrating feeling like all my hard work isnt paying off. I can see the number on the scale go down but I still look the same to me. I just keep telling myself not ive up BC I will see it one day just dont give up it will get better! :-)

    Exactly how I feel, and exactly what I keep telling myself... Well maybe at 200 you'll feel better.... well maybe at 190 you'll FEEL it... now it's if I see the 180s... I think it will continue this way until I reach my goal and perhaps even after!
  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    I posted after feeling this way too...

    I know I've lost, but I just don't see it, and it's very discouraging. The key is, don't let it get you down. I let myself have a good cry over how crappy I feel, but then I picked myself back up and committed myself to completing the 30 day shred. I'm not going to judge myself until those 30 days are over.
    Maybe you just need to shake up your routine a little?

    Maybe? I've gained 7 ounces and there are many reasons as to why. I have been uping my exercise from about an average of 3 days a week to 5/6. I know the whole muscle weighs more than fat thing, but when your obsessed with being at a certain number all of that logical info doesn't matter. It's also that TOM, so I'm just hoping to pull through and come out on top! *Positivie thinking*
  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    I got really discouraged last week when i gained weight. But I did what a PP said, and I compared my side to side pictures. They do make a difference. I've lost a good amount in my tummy and thighs. I don't see it because I look the same in the mirror everyday, but I noticed yesterday my trousers for work fit better in the thighs than they used to.:blushing: I haven't lost a size yet. Still the same sadly, but I try to keep motivated.

    I kicked my own buns last night at Zumba watching this tiny Asian lady busting it out. I knew that if I wanted to be as thin as her someday, I have to keep going. So I made it my goal to keep up with her. And I did it. I was dripping sweat by then (she was powder dry by the way :laugh: ) but I kept up with her. That made me feel so good. I know when I started I was dying within about 15 minutes. Last night I kept it up and was going full speed for around 45 mins. That is a progress for me. You are NOT the only one who struggles with this. Last week when that %&*&#*&(@ scale went up, I was ready to quit.:explode: But my friends on MFP kept encouraging me to keep going.:flowerforyou: I'm back on track after Zumba last night and I'm ready to go again. Congrats on the 25. You're awesome.:drinker:

    Thank you, and congrats on keeping up! That is a huge deal! I know I have improved in many ways as well and it doesn't all depend on the scale. I gained 7 ounces and I think that is what is getting to me. Hoping things level out soon!
  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    I am the same weight as you (my goal weight is the same too), but I feel great! I feel stronger than ever. I'm training for my first half marathon which will be completed this Saturday. I may be a lil' on the fluffy side, but I'm fit. And I run 13.1 miles for fun! Oh yeah, I'm rockin' this weight.
    friend me if you would like to support one another on this journey!
    You've done amazing, don't let anyone else tell you different. We are women, hear us roar. (I'm a leo too-LOL)

    There are days I feel the same, but this week has got me down. That TOM! Ugh. :-/
  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    When we look in the mirror. or even mentally soul search, we never give ourselves credit for the accomplishments we've made. We are always our own worst critics. That can be good and bad. I know I do it, too. I look in the mirror and only see the things that still need to be changed (in my eyes)...I forget about how far I've come and how hard it was to get there. You're doing an amazing job and you have to find a way to appreciate that within yourself. It's not about outside sources or compliments. It's about personal progress. You felt great about dropping 25 pounds...think about how great the next 10 will feel, then, 20, then 25, then...

    Even more importantly, think about how much the simple things like breathing and flexibility have become. You sound like a perfect candidate for yoga, if you don't do it already. Center yourself. Breathe. Appreciate YOU.

    You're so worth it.

    Thank you! Very true... I need to look into Yoga. Never tried it, but I definitely could use the whole breathing-centering-myself.
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