Turning 40 next month! Juicing and now this! wooo woo

A friend is losing tons of weight using this on her phone. I have a dumb phone, so I'm on my computer.

I have been juicing but the weight is stuck. I just entered what I use in my juice, and I'm floored by the calories. I bet using this will make a big difference for me.

Anyone else juicing? Vegetarian? Vegan? Raw? I'm Veggie.. often raw. Sometimes an egg or scallops but rarely. No milk or dairy.

Just love my veggies!!!


  • charlottelouise12345
    charlottelouise12345 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm vego but I mostly only eat eggs or milk cooked in things, not much at all by themselves! Only been using this site for a week but I love it :D slightly addictive and really makes me think about what I've eating!