Eating more.....

jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
Ok so I realise that I need to eat more. At the moment I'm only eating around 1000 calories a day and once I take a bit of exercise into account I end up at only 500-600 net. But here is the problem - once I start to add some extra food in like nuts, peanut butter, cheese etc I end up not being able to stop at the amount I've set for myself and I eat huge amounts of extra food!!

For example yesterday I told myself I would have one Freddo frog along with my lunch then 2 x mars bars, half a family block and two peanut butter cups later I was waaaaay over my calories for the day. the chocolate example was just yesterday this happens with any food that I feel to be a 'treat' food.

Does anyone have any suggestions for being able to stop myself doing this? If I stick to my 1000 calories for the day I seem to be ok but I realise that it isn't sustainable long term.