am i really the only one?



  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    The scale is my friend. Without it I would die. The tape measure however wants to kill me and is probably threatening to murder me in my sleep.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Dropping sodas and drinking water does indeed help, but only if you are an avid soda drinker. I drank 3+ Mountain Dews a day, so it was a necessity for me to stop and change. I thought I'd get ridiculous headaches but I never did. Not sure why, either.

    BTW - I don't use duct tape, athough it is the one thing that works on everything :laugh:

    I understand that if you drink a lot of it... I don't though like maybe 1 a week! It is silly cause he acts like if I have one I will put on 35 pounds overnight , and if I mention needing to drop a couple extra he always says "maybe stop drinking soda" haha! I am pretty sure he doesn't understand it isn't possible to gain muscle simply by dropping soda!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    It is also funny when people ask how you lost the weight and you tell them healthy eating and working out and as soon as you say those two words you can see them lose interest in the conversation! It's like how do you think I lost it and got abs? By sitting on the couch eating chips and cake? Man o man!

    Haha this is it - everyone is always looking for the easy answer. And when you tell them eating properly and exercising they don't even believe you, like nooooo it must be a magic pill, give me your magic beans!

    cutting this out, cutting that, no just eat the right amount and get off your *kitten* and you'll see the results...
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    It is also funny when people ask how you lost the weight and you tell them healthy eating and working out and as soon as you say those two words you can see them lose interest in the conversation! It's like how do you think I lost it and got abs? By sitting on the couch eating chips and cake? Man o man!

    Haha this is it - everyone is always looking for the easy answer. And when you tell them eating properly and exercising they don't even believe you, like nooooo it must be a magic pill, give me your magic beans!

    cutting this out, cutting that, no just eat the right amount and get off your *kitten* and you'll see the results...

    I have never done fad diets and I never will! The thought of doing a cleanse scares me from stories I hear! My mom does something called daniels fast every year and all it is eating fruits and veggie for 30 days. She loses about 17 pounds but as soon as she eats normal puts it all back on! I dunno people that surround me make snarky comments about how small I am ... Well I am not that small I just watch what I eat and work out 6 days a week! When I stop I put on weight so back to the gym I go! Arg people...