calorie counter

I am going on my 6th day and finally figured out how to ask a question on here lol. I monitor my calories throughout the day and when it tells me after my choice of food, that I have lets say only 475 calories remaining and still have dinner to go, I hit the elipitical to burn as much as I can plus I add any extra activies I did that day to give myself more calories. Everyday I have calories left. Which is fine, but..
My calorie goal that was set up is 1240. My question is,why, when I view my food chart it tells me I have about 100-150 left ,yet when I go to the printable report it says I have consumed anywhere from 500-600 calories over my alotted goal? I am a little confused.:noway:


  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Sounds like you're looking at your daily calorie count, which shows you how much you've consumed and subtracts the calories you've burned by working out, whereas the reports just show you the total calories that you've consumed.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Thank you that makes sense, Maybe the site ought to change that to match the calorie/excersize chart? So does that mean I am still going to lose weight consistantly? I mean it kinda makes me nervous to trust the calorie counter if the out come is still more calories according to the report than I am alotted. So far I have lost 5 lbs, but that might be water I don't know...
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    If I understand this correctly, this is how MFP works: They ask you for your measurements so that they can calculate how many calories you need daily in order to stay at your current weight. Then it allots you 500 calories less than that daily so that by the end of the week, you've had 3500 calories less than your body needs, and therefore lose weight (1 pound is equal to about 3500 calories). As for losing weight consistently, as you lose weight, you're supposed to update it on MFP and every 10 lbs or so, MFP will ask if you want your goals to be adjusted, then it will take into account your new weight and lower your calories accordingly.