Need Motivation

So yesterday was NOT a good day for me...I didn't even log all my calories because I just felt like I didnt care...I had gained a lb since Friday after walking/running 8 miles from Friday-Sunday and just felt like that exercise didnt even pay off so I splurged last night even after dinner....I was probably really over by like 500 calories yesterday :( I have never done that in the 2 months I have been on my diet....I also think I was retaining water yesterday so I just felt like crap...I don't understand why I kept eating, I wasnt even hungry!!!I feel better today, hoping today will be a new day...I need to get more exercise in, last week I was a slacker, didnt exercise at all from Monday-Thursday...I need to get my butt moving, I have 45 more lbs to lose for my October wedding, but hoping t lose the majority of it by the last week of June which is our engagement pictures. I just feel so lazy by the end of the day that once I eat dinner I just want to sit on my butt and watch tv with my fiance...Its soo much harder to exercise when he is home because I want to spend time with him...I have also been really tired the past few days and last week so that hasnt been helpful either with even trying to talk myself into getting on my treadmill...