Cultural differences in how weight/fitness level is perceive

catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
Ok what I mean by that, is do people of different cultural and/or racial backgrounds have different standards for fitness/weight?

For example, in my own case (this ties in loosely with the "Fit women most hated" thread ), I've had situations where I've been put on the spot due to my weight/body.

I've had men say, "Daaaaang girl, you are hella bony!!!", "Wtf, what is wrong with you??", "Are you ok, damn you got hella skinny!?"
I've noticed that by far the majority of guys that make disparaging remarks about my weight are either my own people, Mexican or Latino or whatever the eff is the politically correct term or African American men.

When I am complimented, which is few are far between its usually Asian or Caucasian men.
My old boss, who is a bit overweight but very very very pretty, usually was hit on by the same guys that put me down.

So yeah, what do you all think?


  • I think there are definitely differences. If you look at the BMI / wait-hip ratios / bodyfat percentages--there are definite differences by racial group. Because individuals are generally more favorable towards things they are familiar with African American and Latino males are more likely to be attracted to curvier women.

    here is some info about BMI differences...i didn't pull it out of thin air ;)
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Yeah, not sure if they are in fact cultural or just due to upbringing. I think if you were raised around "thick" people, you are more likely to feel that is the "right" size.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Mexican or Latino or whatever the eff is the politically correct term
    The politically correct term would depend on which one you're talking about. Not all Latinos are Mexican...

    I never used to get hit on by white men until I lost weight, but everybody else seemed to like me. Then again I seemed to be very popular with the Latino demographic and they completely lost interest when I cut my hair, so it's kind of fickle.

    If someone is putting you down for your weight, they need to shut their mouth.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think there are definitely differences. If you look at the BMI / wait-hip ratios / bodyfat percentages--there are definite differences by racial group. Because individuals are generally more favorable towards things they are familiar with African American and Latino males are more likely to be attracted to curvier women.

    here is some info about BMI differences...i didn't pull it out of thin air ;)

    Dang, I wonder what happened to me then....I'm a stick. Nothing like my fellow Latinas...I even burn instead of tan:grumble: :explode:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yeah, not sure if they are in fact cultural or just due to upbringing. I think if you were raised around "thick" people, you are more likely to feel that is the "right" size.

    Most of my paternal side are like me. My mother's side is also very tiny, both weight and height. My mother is 5" and 100lbs.
    But I live in Stockton maybe that explains it...if you all look it up, you'll know what I mean lol.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Okay I'm open about all this so hopefully nobody gets offended but right now I'm pretty curvyliciuos at 5'9 size "almost" 12 (wearing 12s but not all 12s fit so I'm not saying it officially) and have the hispanic and black guys all over me... and the white guys that have a thing for hispanic girls.

    I usually date white guys and some of them prefer a more lean look, not so curvy, except for the ones that exclusively date latinas.

    That's my experience.

    For me, my ideal body or what I picture myself at is curvy and fit. My sisters and I got my momma's thick legs. I love them but want them nice and toned.

    I do feel that latinas are more naturally curvy but there are the exceptions. For example, most latinas are on the shorter side and I'm at 5'9. So not everybody fits a specific mold but there are definately similarities.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm not Latina...I'm German and Polish....but I got those nice German birthin' hips. And a butt to match. I get SO many comments about my butt it's ridiculous. When I was bartending, we'd get a lot of Native Americans that would come in (a reservation is very close to this area) and I used to be told "Damn! Ain't never seen a butt like that on a white woman before! It must be the jeans!". I also got a LOT of comments from African American males about my butt. matter how many stares or glances I got from white husband has been the ONLY one to ever comment on it.

    I definately think it's a cultural thing. I used to HATE my butt because of the comments I'd get (because cynically...I used to think they were making fun of me), but now I love it. Good thing it seems to be the "in" thing to have a curvy behind!!!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I think there are cultural differences. They say black men want thick ladies you know the thicker then a snicker kind of ladies
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    I was JUST thinking about this because there was a thread about african american women posting their before and afters, and people not understanding why.

    My family has latina and black american women all over the place. What some people HERE call "fat skinny" our family calls beautiful. I will refuse to comment on posts and things where some white women call their butts "BIG" or "HUGE" because in OUR culture, that "big ol' juicy booty" is sexy. lol In our culture you're more likely to hear a woman talk about how "beautiful and thick, built like a brick house" she once was, rather than how "slim or skinny" she was. And while no one wants to be excessively over weight, most of us would rather have our thickness than be extra slim, though slim is how some of us are. My younger sister for YEARS was a size zero. At the family functions she used to eat SO MUCH to get "thicker like her sister and aunts" lol

    It's true that there are cultural differences. I've had white men hit on me, but they were usually "BBW Lovers". I've had black and Latino men ADORE my thickness and refuse to want me to lose any weight. My husband is ALWAYS squishing my juiciness and fawning over my curves.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    i think the percentage of fit girls i see is higher on white females
    and it sucks that i see no lean mean hispanic girls at the gym i go to..only whities..and there's nothing wrong with that :D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I don't think there's much debate about that.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    For an Asian, I am considered fat. To the rest of the world, I am either fit, healthy or too skinny. I will never meet the expectations of society and honestly, I don't really care to. I actually recently went on a mission to gain weight starting at 94.5 pounds. To most of my Asian friends, I looked okay or I could lose a pound or two. Everyone else, on the other hand, said I looked creepishly skinny. So, instead of listening to everyone else, I picked a happy weight that I could live with.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I think there are definitely differences. If you look at the BMI / wait-hip ratios / bodyfat percentages--there are definite differences by racial group. Because individuals are generally more favorable towards things they are familiar with African American and Latino males are more likely to be attracted to curvier women.

    here is some info about BMI differences...i didn't pull it out of thin air ;)

    Dang, I wonder what happened to me then....I'm a stick. Nothing like my fellow Latinas...I even burn instead of tan:grumble: :explode:

    Girl that's how my bf is (burn instead of tan)! His heritage is 100% Mexican-American and he has fairer skin than I do and I'm caucasian! I tease him about having a better tan than he does lol

    But to address the original question, I think so. I've always been curvy, even when I was a size 2 at age 18, and I've always gotten more attention from Hispanic or African American men. HOWEVER, I think it also has to do with where you're from. I do get attention from white men as well because I look Hispanic (well, everybody here in Texas thinks so), and it's like this thing about white guys loving Hispanic women. Might just be here in Austin, but I know SO many white guys who just loooooove the Latina ladies!
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    i think the percentage of fit girls i see is higher on white females
    and it sucks that i see no lean mean hispanic girls at the gym i go to..only whities..and there's nothing wrong with that :D

    that really depends on your definition of "fit" Skinny doesn't necessarily equal fitness.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    When I initially lost a lot of weight, I was light-heartedly acccused of being on drugs.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Ok what I mean by that, is do people of different cultural and/or racial backgrounds have different standards for fitness/weight?

    For example, in my own case (this ties in loosely with the "Fit women most hated" thread ), I've had situations where I've been put on the spot due to my weight/body.

    I've had men say, "Daaaaang girl, you are hella bony!!!", "Wtf, what is wrong with you??", "Are you ok, damn you got hella skinny!?"
    I've noticed that by far the majority of guys that make disparaging remarks about my weight are either my own people, Mexican or Latino or whatever the eff is the politically correct term or African American men.

    When I am complimented, which is few are far between its usually Asian or Caucasian men.
    My old boss, who is a bit overweight but very very very pretty, usually was hit on by the same guys that put me down.

    So yeah, what do you all think?

    I'm not of Latino decent but you look pretty sexy to me.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    When I lost weight, my family {i'm half latino / half white} thought I was going in the right direction, but some people @ work thought I was going too far (mostly black co workers, they wondered where my butt went). When I re-gained 15 pounds (mostly in my butt area) they gave me looks like I was 'back to being sexy'. LOL.. My white co workers were 1/2 and 1/2.. The ones who agreed with the black co workers didn't like my small face.
  • that "big ol' juicy booty" is sexy.

    This made me smile. Some of my male friends (a mix of races and ethnicities) gave me a hard time when I lost 90 pounds a few years back...because they said I lost my "sexy, big butt."

    I took it as a compliment. :happy:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    For an Asian, I am considered fat. To the rest of the world, I am either fit, healthy or too skinny. I will never meet the expectations of society and honestly, I don't really care to. I actually recently went on a mission to gain weight starting at 94.5 pounds. To most of my Asian friends, I looked okay or I could lose a pound or two. Everyone else, on the other hand, said I looked creepishly skinny. So, instead of listening to everyone else, I picked a happy weight that I could live with.

    Yeah, it's crazy. There was a thread about asian perception of skinny/fat. It was ridiculous. When I'm in Japan, I look obese! Even though I'm 19% BF. All the women there are like a rail. Not really that great looking to me.
  • Shawnie_B
    Shawnie_B Posts: 17
    I agree that there are differences due to the difference in genetic make up ...but most of the instances you described just seem to me to be stereotypes of what different races PERCIEVE to be standard or "normal"