30 Day Shred?



  • shauna9909
    shauna9909 Posts: 56 Member
    So when I go buy the DVD I need to buy weights (3 lbs for this beginner!!), anything else?? I will be doing it on my front room floor, it has "carpet" if thats what you call it, but its crappy and hard! (gotta love a rental home!)
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    I LOVE JILLIAN-I have been combining the biggest winner 5 disc cd with 30 day shred and ripped in 30-I do them 3-4 times a week. I have had nothing but success with Jillian. I like that the workouts are quick and you get a good workout, calorie burn ( i usually burn between 250 and 300 calories per session). It sounds like you are sold on getting it (good!)-just wanted to co-sign :). Have fun with Jillian!

    On another note about muscle weight and fat weight-I saw this post from someone a few weeks back and swore that I would share it every time I saw someone say that muscle weighs more than fat .

    Anyhoo these are not my words but I am supporting his cause by spreading his words as they are true:

    ''Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. They weigh the same.

    I'm going to keep blasting that everywhere until every single MFP user gets it! (Sorry - but it's driving me BONKERS).

    One pound of muscle and one pound of fat weigh the exact same amount - ONE POUND. The difference? One pound of fat takes up much mroe physical space than one pound of muscle (lean) does. So - although you might drop a few pounds of fat, you're probably gaining a few of muscle. This means the number on the scale isn't changing much BUT your body is getting smaller - fat is shrinking, muscle is leaner, pounds are equal. ''
  • jbaker436
    jbaker436 Posts: 55 Member
    I did it several months ago when I was too busy to go to the gym and I like the convenience of doing it at home for just shy of 30 min. per workout. It does provide results and after the first few days on a level, I wasn't too sore, but would still break a healthy sweat and feel the burn. I esp. like the workouts because I'm not very coordinated to keep up with a ton of moves. I was able to keep up after a day or so and didn't feel like I was studying the moves instead of "doing" them. I too have some issues with squats, and jumping. I tried to take it easy on those moves, but made up for it in other areas where possible. I was getting ready for my wedding at the time and wasn't consistent, but am going to try it again. Best of luck to you!
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    So when I go buy the DVD I need to buy weights (3 lbs for this beginner!!), anything else?? I will be doing it on my front room floor, it has "carpet" if thats what you call it, but its crappy and hard! (gotta love a rental home!)

    Same issue here w/ the carpet - so I just toss down a fleece blanket for when I have to do my girly push ups... otherwise you're good to go for now :)
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    I am on day 8 of level 1 of 30 Day Shred and I LOVE IT! I was feeling the effects on my quads and knees up until day 4 and from then on I have been good to go. To the person who asked about the affect it would have on ankles - I broke my ankle 5 years ago like literally demolished it, and I have had ZERO issues with my ankles and this work out DVD... however this is just me and I realize we're all different.

    I just had my second surgery to repair my ankle back in November. I cannot do squats, I will pretty much not be able to do that move ever again. So I do have a limited range of motion.

    Oh my gosh? So does the second surgery mean that the first one didn't take well? Scary! I feel for you... I have been there with just one surgery and it SUCKED. I have only worked with level one so far and there is a fair amount of squatting and or side lunge sqatting for lack of a better word, but I can only imagine that any sort of work out DVD will have that - you just do what you can, and Jillian even says "Do what you can..." Sometimes I have to stop half way through some of the exercises because it starts to haunt my dreams but all in all I think this DVD is worth it as there are plenty more other exercises in it that you should be able to do. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ANKLE!
  • GrnEydBndit
    GrnEydBndit Posts: 8 Member
    It's really hard. I've only done it a few times. I tend to yell at Jillian and call her names as I go. lol I haven't made it past level 1. Get it from Walmart, they have it cheap there.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat...a pound is a pound is a pound. Muscle is just more dense than fat. Therefore, a pound of muscle takes up less room than a pound of fat...which accounts for you losing inches but not weight. If you put a pound of muscle next to a pound of fast, the fat takes up more space. The fat loss is great with the Shred so you'll lose those inches.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I LOVE JILLIAN-I have been combining the biggest winner 5 disc cd with 30 day shred and ripped in 30-I do them 3-4 times a week. I have had nothing but success with Jillian. I like that the workouts are quick and you get a good workout, calorie burn ( i usually burn between 250 and 300 calories per session). It sounds like you are sold on getting it (good!)-just wanted to co-sign :). Have fun with Jillian!

    On another note about muscle weight and fat weight-I saw this post from someone a few weeks back and swore that I would share it every time I saw someone say that muscle weighs more than fat .

    Anyhoo these are not my words but I am supporting his cause by spreading his words as they are true:

    ''Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. They weigh the same.

    I'm going to keep blasting that everywhere until every single MFP user gets it! (Sorry - but it's driving me BONKERS).

    One pound of muscle and one pound of fat weigh the exact same amount - ONE POUND. The difference? One pound of fat takes up much mroe physical space than one pound of muscle (lean) does. So - although you might drop a few pounds of fat, you're probably gaining a few of muscle. This means the number on the scale isn't changing much BUT your body is getting smaller - fat is shrinking, muscle is leaner, pounds are equal. ''

    Ha! Thank you!! I posted before seeing your reply. So many people still believe it weighs more for some reason!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    So when I go buy the DVD I need to buy weights (3 lbs for this beginner!!), anything else?? I will be doing it on my front room floor, it has "carpet" if thats what you call it, but its crappy and hard! (gotta love a rental home!)

    Same issue here w/ the carpet - so I just toss down a fleece blanket for when I have to do my girly push ups... otherwise you're good to go for now :)

    NO MAAM! You should be doing them male style! Even if you can't do them all! Before I started doing Jillian, I couldn't even do one. By the time I finished, I could do sets of 20! DO THEM THE RIGHT WAY! :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • I LOVE JILLIAN-I have been combining the biggest winner 5 disc cd with 30 day shred and ripped in 30-I do them 3-4 times a week. I have had nothing but success with Jillian. I like that the workouts are quick and you get a good workout, calorie burn ( i usually burn between 250 and 300 calories per session). It sounds like you are sold on getting it (good!)-just wanted to co-sign :). Have fun with Jillian!

    On another note about muscle weight and fat weight-I saw this post from someone a few weeks back and swore that I would share it every time I saw someone say that muscle weighs more than fat .

    Anyhoo these are not my words but I am supporting his cause by spreading his words as they are true:

    ''Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. They weigh the same.

    I'm going to keep blasting that everywhere until every single MFP user gets it! (Sorry - but it's driving me BONKERS).

    One pound of muscle and one pound of fat weigh the exact same amount - ONE POUND. The difference? One pound of fat takes up much mroe physical space than one pound of muscle (lean) does. So - although you might drop a few pounds of fat, you're probably gaining a few of muscle. This means the number on the scale isn't changing much BUT your body is getting smaller - fat is shrinking, muscle is leaner, pounds are equal. ''

    Ha! Thank you!! I posted before seeing your reply. So many people still believe it weighs more for some reason!

    I fully understand what a pound is. maybe...i didnt word it correctly or as in depth as some. yes a pound is a pound. muscle is more dense. i am pretty sure that everyone understands that a pound of fat is equal to a pound of muscle. just less dense. :)
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I love it! I am on day 7. I do this with 30 mins on the treadmill as well. I am still losing 2 pounds a week, but I have lost a lot of inches From doing the 30 DS.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    For those of you that have done 30DS how hard on you ankles would this program be???

    Well you do a lot of jumping jacks and jump rope moves...so if your ankles can't handle that, then I would modify it when it gets to the cardio part of it.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Honestly I'm 18 days in and have seen no change but I LOVE the workouts. They are challenging. They make me sweat like crazy and I feel like I've DONE something, even if it's just a 20 minute workout.

    Not sure what results you're looking for but if you just want a good workout I'd give 30DS a try.
  • I've been doing it and will be moving on to Level III (I took a few days off when I lost power) But I can tell you that once I finish the 30 days..I'm restarting it again..I LOVE IT!! Best 20 minutes and my husband does it with me..by day 17 I lost 8.5 inches off my body. I don't get on the scale because honestly I just care about the way my body is shaping up. It's tough but really pushes you!!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    And to OP, definitely take pics and measurements before. That would be a good way to tell. But I recommend doing this with some other cardio. I don't think it's enough by itself. Since it is only 20 mins.
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    Sounds like I will be buying the DVD tonight :) I still don't understand how everyone loses inches and no weight?!? But hey I will take the inches any day! lol.

    I think why people lose inches and not weight is because you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat :) I have been doing level one for a couple of days and it's tough but getting easier :) It's good :)
  • I am on Day 27. I did each level for 10 days before moving on. I took measurements at the half way point on Day 15 and I had lost a total of 5 3/4 inches!!! I was so excited. I will take my "after" bikini pics but not sure if I will be brave enough to post them on here and I will take my after final measurements too. I am anxiously awaiting The Body Revolution! Can't wait to get started.

    Last night I also did Extreme Shed & Shred, it actually wasn't that bad. I did it immediately following 30 Day Shred and I could complete all of Level 1.

    I love Jillian's RESULTS, maybe not her personally though!! :)
  • cbyee
    cbyee Posts: 4
    I love it so far, I've done level 1 5xs in the past 8 days and noticed that i'm lots stronger than i was from day 1. I totally recommend this workout.

    How is everyone tracking this exercise workout in this app?
  • I just ordered mine and should be receiving any day :) will post results..I got mine on amazon for 6$ plus shipping. I think 8$ all together.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I love it so far, I've done level 1 5xs in the past 8 days and noticed that i'm lots stronger than i was from day 1. I totally recommend this workout.

    How is everyone tracking this exercise workout in this app?

    I mark it as 20 min circuit training