40-50lb weight loss goals??



  • elizabethlevy87
    elizabethlevy87 Posts: 1 Member
    My inital goal was to loose 50 lbs, going from 220 down to 170. This morning I hit the 40 lb mark! it has takken me 14 months, but it has been worth every struggle. Now that I am 10 lbs from my goal, I think it maybe time to pick a new goal.

    I also just signed up for my first half-marathon, and am doing my first triathlon in May! Never would have thought I would be able to do these kind of things!
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    I have more then 50 lbs to lose I have loss some far 50 lbs I have another 40-45 lbs to go...

    I was at 236.5 now I'm at 185.6
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Well my goal was to get back into a size 10 jeans (started in a size tight 16 and I was 213pounds May 1st 2011 start date) I fit into that size 10 in October of 2011 :) I was down 32 pounds at that time

    at that time felt I could loose more so I`m still going and currently 170 pounds and in a size 8 :) also 43pounds down since my start date so almost a year to get this far
  • chknbird75
    My goal is a 50lb loss. Not sure on how yet, but I'm going to do it! Add me if you want company for the journey :)
  • adswillis27
    adswillis27 Posts: 76 Member
    My original goal was 25 lbs which I met in about 3-4 months maybe. I surpassed that goal so 30 was next, then 35 since I passed that goal. I lost 37 lbs in about 8 months (Jan-Aug 2011). Now I am at 44 lbs lost. My goal isn't to lose more weight, but to tone up which could mean some weight gain in muscle but a smaller body.

    I did Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme and now I'm doing Les Mills PUMP. All of these programs are in home workouts that come with food guides, schedules, multiple videos, equipment (if needed), etc. I love these workouts and they quickly became part of my daily routine.

  • wowens1
    wowens1 Posts: 19 Member
    I was 198 and my goal is 150 too!! 154 is my pre pregnancy weight with both kids. I got back after the first in one year. Its been over 5 with the second and still not there.
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I was 198 and my goal is 150 too!! 154 is my pre pregnancy weight with both kids. I got back after the first in one year. Its been over 5 with the second and still not there.

    It looks like you're doing great and you lost 25lbs!!! Congrats on that and keeping up with it. How long has it taken you to lose 25lbs? Just for curiosity sake..
  • cborsity
    cborsity Posts: 1
    Ong that's sooooo awesome I'm down 20 since jan I wish I was down as much as you keep it up unare almost there
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    I, too, started out with 40 pounds to lose, but I started about four years ago. I watched what I ate, planning to add exercise later, and lost 16 pounds in about 6-7 weeks. Then I lost a child and stopped trying to lose weight---just survived somehow for the next four years. I started MFP about 5 weeks ago, still with 16 pounds lost and 24 to go. In 5 weeks, I've lost 9 pounds, and I just recently started some light exercise. I am 60 years old, have been sedentary, and have asthma, so I can't tolerate rigorous exercise, so I just do some walking (Leslie Sansone) and very, very light weights (Strong Women Stay Young, which is geared toward older women). I think my asthma is more limiting than my age.

    I imagine the next 15 pounds will take longer than the former pounds did, so I'm trying to have the mindset to be patient. If all goes well, I may aim for another 10 pounds since my original goal is just within the healthy range.

    I would, of course, like to see the weight gone tomorrow, but I do believe doing this slowly and purposefully will yield better results and, hopefully, long lasting ones. I've only had one week when I have been trying to lose weight that I didn't lose. I know that may happen again, and I'm trying to prepare myself to accept that when/if it happens.

    Look forward to reading about your continued success in losing weight/getting fit.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    I want to lose 45-50 lbs. I am currently at 164, started at 171. My goal weight is 120-125. I am 5'1". I havent weighed myself in over a week so I am not sure if i have lost anymore.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I'm starting (yesterday) at 188lbs. with a goal weight of 145lbs. This will put me bang in the middle of my healthy BMI range so I'm not sure if I'll want to stop there or whether I'll want to lose a little more, I suppose it depends what I look like at that size. I think I'll be happy with that.

    At the moment I'm just counting calories on MFP and my exercise regime is walking at least 14k a week (because I recently read a research paper that said people who do this have a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome) and also riding my horses which I do most days. I also go to the pool with my son a couple of times a week maybe but that's for fun so we're not swimming loads of lengths, just treading water, trying to dunk each other, jumping in and doing handstands and rolls lol.

    I want to keep my exercise to activities which have a low impact on my joints, so probably won't bother with running which I have done in the past, but we'll see. I also want to keep my exercise to things I enjoy and which fit in with my lifestyle and family, so I'm probably just going to walk the dogs further and ride even more. The key for me is registering the weeks activities against the weeks food, and making sure that I am losing some calories, and certainly not gaining any.