Always over on PROTEIN

When I am looking over my last week (which has been my first week with MFP) I am noticing a trend in my numbers. No matter if I am over or under my calorie and fat intake for the day, my protein is always over, and it seems like by ALOT! What does this mean? How do I change that since most of the healthy foods that I'm eating (dark greens, lean meats, yogurt) have protein in them?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Unless you are suffering from kidney disease I wouldn't loose too much sleep over it. Generally MFP's protein is a bit on the low side.
  • Sidneeshea
    Sidneeshea Posts: 9 Member
    You can change the settings on MFP for your percentages of Fat, Carb, Protein and select the items you want to track. I changed mine so that my levels are higher for protein and lower for carbs and fat. I have also tried to get 1 gram protein/pound that I weigh and have had no problems using protein shake supplements and greek yogurt combined with beef jerky and string cheese for snacks. I am diabetic and on a very low carb, low fat diet so the the protein is usually high. I am reading a book called Lean Secrets and she says to eat 1 gram protein per pound too but I also heard excess protein is stored as fat in your body. I exercise pretty heavily 5 days a week and burn 500-600 a day so I have plenty of room to eat my protein back, but I never get that high. I have five pounds left and thought this would be a good thing to try to tone and lose those last stupporn pounds. I am also meeting with a trainer this week to set up a supplemental toning routine.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    if you are getting in exercise i wouldnt worry too much on too much protein ... better that than too many carbs :o)