I always sabotage myself......

why do i always sabotage myself on the weekends??? i honestly try my hardest to eat right and to exercise as much as i can, but when monday morning comes around and i step on the scale the number always seems to go up, no eating crappy is going thru till monday now!!!! i think i hit some kind of block or plateau. i just feel like giving up cause i feel like im never gonna reach my goal weight. i have lost 30 lbs so far since october and i wnat to loose another 40ish by december/january. i just feel like its never gonna happen! does anyone else feel like giving up sometimes????!!!!


  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    Look at the positives.
    Find the things that have worked for you and embrace those things.
    Weed out the negative notions. You'll go no where fast with those thoughts.

    Look at how far you've come, celebrate yourself and KNOW that you will make it the rest of your way!
  • LaurenJaques
    Vicki, I feel you! Saturday and Sunday are so hard for me because my routine is not there and there is a lot of temptation. This week I weighed in heavy for me. I am not happy about it at all but I am putting some double session in at the gym and I know this weekend I am going to kill it. I also need you to switch some stuff up. You need to alter your routine because your body is getting used to what you are doing it will not have the same effects. Let's catch up this week and talk though how you can make some adjustments to your routine and let's be each others cheerleaders on the weekends to get us though and be happy when we step on the sale on Monday! Deal?

    Love you so much and I am SO proud of you!!! I am here for you!:bigsmile: