Hello! New here. I am 5ft 1 and wanting friends!

Thought that I would introduce myself. A couple of months ago I lost 16lbs in the wrong way. I starved myself often, binged and vomitted. It didn't do much for my health or mentality, and I couldn't do anything because I was so drained of energy. It made me ill and I had to stop before I got seriously ill. This time around I am going to do it properly by getting out there and exercising! Feel free to add me for moral support!! I am 113lbs, a vegetarian and aim to be toned and feel comfortable in clothes, for once!! X


  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    I will friend you pink grapes. we sound simliar. I have battled under eating. would be glad to support you.