Extremely frustrated - Need advice



  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    My first reaction is to quote Yoda: "Try not, do". I am living proof that "try" is not good enough; I promise you if you precisely log everything you eat and exercise, you will go through the following phases:

    1. You'll be surprised how much you underestimate calories consumed. Advice: maximize precision
    2. You'll be surprised how much you overestimate calories burned. Advice: be brutal to your numbers.. when in doubt, halve it, all these machines lie and lie on the wrong side.
    3. You'll find that once your knowledge is based on precision numbers, your meal plan wont require a lot of tweaks to get into the weight-loss friendly calorie-differential zone.
    4. You'll finally lose the weight you want.

    Also, don't get down on yourself, this stuff really shows up over time... the day to day change is so small that it is lost in things like water retainement.

    Thank you for the suggestions...I will def. try to attack all these ideas and try to lose the extra pounds I want to lose.
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    Your post sounds just like me. I am 5'6". I weigh around 140lbs. I started in January and my weight has between 142 and 139 and hasn't gone down. It's driving me nuts. I upped the calories last week. I didn't lose any weight, but I did lose inches last week. So I am going to give it some more time to see if the weight will drop eventually. I used to weigh around 125 - 130 before kids and it was the perfect weight. No belly fat. Now after two kids, I have belly fat and wear a size 6. I don't like it.

    So you may want to try upping your calorie intake. I found out that my BMR was at 1,304. However, I was only eating 1200 calories. According to what people have been telling me I should not be below my BMR. There was a whole formula that you can do to try to figure out the correct amount of calories. Someone gave me the website http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ which helps you figure out the proper amount of calories you should be eating.

    Good luck! I know I am not settling with 140lbs. One way or another I will get back down to 125 or 130. I don't care what the system says that I am in the "healthy" range. If you saw my belly, you would know there is nothing healthy about it.

    See...that's my issue. I might be "healthy", but I still have this belly fat that is driving me nuts! I had a major surgery a few years back which was like a c-section cut to my stomach. I now have the pouch that most women have after giving birth with a c-section and I can't seem to lose it! I look okay standing up, but the second I sit down I have the chubby showing!