Ladies Only - Female Question re: Depo and Weight Loss

This happened last time too, but its happening again this round. I'm on Depo Provera and pretty much immediately stopped having periods. So it's been like 5 years maybe more? But during periods of weight loss, I spot occasionally. Is this normal? Should I call my doctor? I know spotting can occur with Depo, but I've never had it except when I'm losing weight. Any insight or others on DP who want to chime in: your response would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Depo SUPER messes with your system, so yes, that is normal for being on Depo. When you start to change your body chemistry, it's going to affect how the Depo interacts with your hormones.

    I was on it for a long time, and I found out that on top of everything else it messes with, Depo also causes significant long-term bone loss. I have a family of women with osteoporosis problems so that made me quit it right away. FYI.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Made me spot all the time and I gained a bunch on it. Don't know if that was about the DP or just what was going on in my life at the time, though.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    When I was on it, my period completely stopped, my daughter is now on it and she spots regularly, it's normal to stop or spot, everyone is different. I gained about 15 lbs on it and my daughter too. Felt hungry all the time.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I'm not real familiar with Depo but when I started my weight loss program my period became irregular. I have been on the pill for 15 years and my cycle was like clockwork prior to changing my diet. Doc said that was totally normal and it regulated after a couple of cycles.
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 294 Member
    Depo also causes significant long-term bone loss. I have a family of women with osteoporosis problems so that made me quit it right away. FYI.

    I've been considering going off of it. I've heard just awful stuff about it, but it's worked for me.. It was one of the few options that didn't have a side effect of raising blood pressure. Hopefully I've come down (or will soon) enough on Blood Pressure to switch to something else. On the plus side - I did have a bone density scan, and at 40, I have the densest (I pretend heaviest) bones on the spectrum).
  • Leahnh
    Leahnh Posts: 30
    I gained 20 pounds on the Depo and spotted for almost 6 month straight. It was terrible! I'd bet it's the cause of your spotting.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    I had the opposite issue with depo...the day after I got my shot I got a period and it didn't stop for 22 months....long after the depo was out of my system. I also found that it made me gain a ton of weight, as it did with my sister as well. With depo, anything is possible.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    I was on depo for 8 years, and yes weight-loss, major hormone fluctuations and stress can make you spot.
    If it keeps up, talk to yoru dr.

    my OWN opinion.... while i LOVED the no period thing... getting off depo has cause me major issues with having a normal period. The bone density loss issue is not something to overlook or think may not happen.. please be careful!
  • lyddsmom
    lyddsmom Posts: 96
    I hated depo. I did not spot but I had a room mate that spotted a lot on it. The worst was I gained like 10 lbs. I did, however, lose it all when I went off of it.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I would notify your doctor so that she/he can note the information in your chart, just in case this isn't caused by Depo.

    I would also make a note of it on a personal calendar so that you can track when in your would-be cycle this is happening. They may be able to recommend some other kind of birth control for you that works better for you without the inconvenience of spotting.

    And finally...not to get in your biz, but consider whether or not Depo is the only/best option of birth control for your particular situation. It may be, but if not, I'd explore others. Everyone is different, but for me, taking extra hormones into my body for the purposes of controlling symptoms/preventing pregnancy was a mistake, and I wish I'd known more about alternatives sooner. (I took variations of The Pill for 20 years.)

    Good luck, m'dear!

    p.s. (or should I say, p.m.s....ha!) there must be something going around because I just wrote a blog post about my own cycle today! Big changes since starting my weightloss...
  • MystiqueASAP
    My experiences and opinion on Depo (11 years) when I used to get the shot is that anytime I would try a diet or water pill (especially the later with Diurex), I would start spotting; otherwise, I normally didn't have a cycle. Maybe check your potassium levels and/or intake. Hope this helps.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Yikes! That stuff made me crazy. I also gained weight like crazy on it. (As in 5 lbs in a week when I was eating 900-1100 calories a day).

    I also spotted at times.
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 294 Member
    Maybe check your potassium levels and/or intake.

    As in not enough or too much? I've been watching it - the thing is I don't really know what it was before, so I dont' know if I'm getting more or less, but I've been getting right around 2000 mg.
    Maybe check your potassium levels and/or intake.

    As in not enough or too much? I've been watching it - the thing is I don't really know what it was before, so I dont' know if I'm getting more or less, but I've been getting right around 2000 mg.
    I would notify your doctor so that she/he can note the information in your chart, just in case this isn't caused by Depo.

    I would also make a note of it on a personal calendar so that you can track when in your would-be cycle this is happening. They may be able to recommend some other kind of birth control for you that works better for you without the inconvenience of spotting.

    And finally...not to get in your biz, but consider whether or not Depo is the only/best option of birth control for your particular situation. It may be, but if not, I'd explore others. Everyone is different, but for me, taking extra hormones into my body for the purposes of controlling symptoms/preventing pregnancy was a mistake, and I wish I'd known more about alternatives sooner. (I took variations of The Pill for 20 years.)

    Good call on notifying the doctor. I actually don't even know when my regular cycle is/would be (unless I count now with the spotting) since it's been more than 5 years; so not sure how I would mark it on a calendar.

    Last, yeah - I've heard such terrible things about depo, but at the time it was the only option (may still be) that doesn't impact my blood pressure. (I tried the implant, but it wasn't until they tried to open my cervix (OW OW OW G*&()*&$ OW!) that my doctor said "wait, you've not had any children? ohhhh, those are your STEP children." that we ruled that out.)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I have been wondering about the spotting too. I've got a friend that's on Depo and she loves it, which is why I tried it out as Tri-Ceclyn Low (sp?) was too annoying and I loved the idea of not having a period. But I never would have correlated my spotting with losing weight.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Depo is the ONLY birth control that has been proven to cause weight gain. I have heard of many people experiencing weird side effects from it...

    Suggestion time! Try the implanon ;)
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 294 Member

    Suggestion time! Try the implanon ;)

    Can't do combination hormonal contraceptives like Implanon because it increases blood pressure. Or at least I can't do them until my blood pressure is maintained without a medication. Hopefully that will come in time, because the derm one sounds much less invasive than the cervical one :)
  • ChristinaOlliver
    ChristinaOlliver Posts: 57 Member
    I was on depo for 2 and a half years, came off for two years, and I've now been on it again for another 2 and a half years. I've never had any spotting, and have not noticed any weight gain/loss due to it. Obviously everyone reacts differently and I've been lucky, but one of the selling points of depo is that it stops your periods, so I would recommend going to your doctor and finding out what you can do because this must be really annoying for you! Hope I've helped in some way :)

    Edit: Also, a lot of people that have posted have been on depo for quite a long time - I've always been told that the recommended is 2 years. Maybe after 5 years you should come off of depo and try something else?
  • castaliavt
    castaliavt Posts: 84 Member
    I gained 30 pounds on depo and it totally messed with my hormones. It was not due to over eating. I was on weight watchers and counting points like crazy and working out 6 days a week.
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    I've been on Depo for many years. When I first started it, I had a period (very light) for the first 7 months. I haven't had one since and I've had no spotting. I would at least discuss it with your doctor.
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    I was on Depo years ago, and let me tell you......that particular birth control made me the biggest bit*h in the world!! I couldn't even stand to be alone with myself!!!!!!!!!! Once off the Depo, and bam! Back to my normal sweet self!

    Good luck to you finding a good birth control that does not have awful side effects!!!!