6 small meals

I am struggling witht he idea of eating 6 small meals a day(recommended by a trainer). I feel like I eat too much. Any sample menus or ideas out there?

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  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    What I did was take what I would normally eat in 3 meals and break it up into 6. This made it much easier for my brain to understand.

    So when I first started breakfast was:

    1 egg scrambled with cheese, a w/w english muffin, apples, milk, coffeee

    So now I eat "

    7 am apples and 1 oz cheese

    9-10 1 egg on w/w english with milk


    Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, lettuce, tomato
    Carrots with hummus

    Now I eat either the whole sandwhich at 12 and then the carrots and hummus at 2
    or I eat 1/2 and 1/2 which is fun!!

    If you think of all the food you will eat in a day in 3 meals, then break it up into 6 with a complex carb and a protien at each of the six I PROMISE you will never be hungry, and have energy for any workout you do!!

    Good luck:drinker:
  • coachkathy
    coachkathy Posts: 35
    Eating 6 small meals a day is the best way to maintain your energy throughout the day. A sample day of meals for me is as follows:

    1 c. whole grain cereal
    3/4 c. skim milk
    1/2 scoop protein powder
    1 Tbs flaxseed, ground

    Protein Smoothie

    Tuna Salad Sandwich

    Protein Bar

    Grilled Chicken
    Large Salad