My workout made me want to puke!

Why? I slept in today so normally I've eaten 3 times as opposed to once. Is that the reason? Is that feeling a good sign or a sign of pushing it with either the workout routine or not enough food or both? Needless to say I'm shoveling in some lunch right now. I don't like that feeling at all. :sick:


  • TheJackyl
    TheJackyl Posts: 88
    That's the dreaded wall, I thought it was a myth before I turned 30. I've since hit it a number of times. Low blood sugar, low glycogen stores, high lactic acid buildup from working out in your anaeorbic zone are all things that can cause this. Really it's just your body going into a bit of shock and telling you to slow down, the good thing is after some deep breathing and about 10 minutes I always find my workout capacity doubles and I feel great.