To all those who insist on eating more than bare minimum...

Thank you!!!I have had issues with weight all of my life, and have not used the most healthy methods to lose weight, so I love this site and all the support!!!! AND THANK YOU to everyone for consistently reminding me I am wasting my time if I don't give my body at the very minmum 1200 calories (and I exercise a lot), you guys are such life savers - I am not quite able to get to 1200 plus my exercise calories yet, but I am getting closer and your reminders that starving myself will not help me lose weight has been sooooo important!!!!


  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Keep it up! I can empathize, as I originally really struggled with the notion of eating more. It took me some serious convincing to increase my calorie intake but I couldn't be happier that I did! Getting through that mental block about how many calories you're eating is really hard, and so many of us have such ingrained ideas about how to lose weight that we have to fight ourselves over it. You're doing a good job, so keep it up!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    The minimum calorie amount required is different for everyone. There's no magic number, no matter what they say. For some, 1,200 would be too high a minimum. Some people lose weight fasting a few days a week or several hours of each day and they are healthy.

    There's no valor in eating a certain number of calories or X times a day. You have to figure out what is appropriate for your body.
  • dieseldiamond1
    dieseldiamond1 Posts: 3 Member
    I can say from past experience that I lost a tremendous amount of weight, but did not eat the recommended calories and had very poor eating habits. My blood sugar dropped to a reading of 30 and i was not a diabetic, so you need to remember that aspect as well, especially when excercising. Always be aware that lightheadedness or slurring speech, shaking, etc...could be a sign that you haven't given your body enough and your sugar is crashing. This is just a suggestion, I'm not a doctor. The other side to this...when I gained the weight back by eating more calories my body started hoarding the calories in anticipation of me not giving it enough again, there was more and it is much harder to get rid of now.
  • The minimum calorie amount required is different for everyone. There's no magic number, no matter what they say. For some, 1,200 would be too high a minimum. Some people lose weight fasting a few days a week or several hours of each day and they are healthy.

    There's no valor in eating a certain number of calories or X times a day. You have to figure out what is appropriate for your body.

    I just saw this....oh my gosh, I don't recommend "fasting a few days a week " to anyone, nor have I ever ever heard any nutritionist, doc, etc. say that. Please be careful what you post, its dangerous on a site like this...