How long did you breastfeed?

MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
edited December 2024 in Motivation and Support
im a mom of 1 boy and he just turned 1 and im tryna stop breastfeeding but its so hard just curious when other moms stopped? A few of my family memebers are prtty much saying i shouldnt breastfeed no more because its bad....he only feed 2 or 3 times a day and takesn regular milk but just not sure what to do or maybe i needed to vent idunno but thats my story.


  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    My daughter is 9 months, and we stopped breastfeeding about 2-3 weeks ago. I wanted to continue until 12 months, but once she started eating solids she stopped demanding breast milk, so my supply dried up. It is completely normal and okay that your son is still breastfeeding. Hate to break it to you, but your family is wrong and probably just misinformed. Doctors recommend breastfeeding as long as your baby wants to. The minimum benefical time is 6 months, but 12 months is what is ideal. You're doing a great job! I have a coworker that's daughter breastfed for 2 years. Keep doing what you are doing, and when your son is ready to stop, he will stop.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My son is almost 16 months and still nurses several times a day. He doesnt seem to want to stop. I have stopped offering it and am ready to wean but its going to be a slow process
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You can and should breastfeed for as long as you and your baby are ok with it. It's not bad to breastfeed past 1 year. It's your choice. If you don't want to breastfeed anymore, then you can slowly wean by dropping 1 feeding a week. I breastfed my kids for almost a year. For my daughter, I got pregnant when she was 9 months and my supply was slowly decreasing. In both cases, I just couldn't pump enough to fulfill their need, so I decided to stop.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Breastfeed as long as YOU want to! Dont worry about what anyone else says!!

    I did for 7 months but stopped only because my son was no longer interested, it was on his terms no mine.
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I breastfed my last baby until 14 months. He stopped. I wanted to continue until 16 months. Ahh, oh well.

    Your body and your baby. Do what is best for your family.
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    Hmmm thxs guys kinda good to kmo there other ppl that bfeed and/or wanted to. & i will check out those groups aswell
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I breastfed my first for over two years, and my second for over 2.5 years. As long as you and your son wish to continue breastfeeding, the benefits outweigh the negatives.
    Breastfeeding past one years is beneficial for both mom and baby. Longterm breastfeeding lowers mother's chances of developing breast cancer and uterine cancer, among other benefits. Longterm breastfeeding helps your child develop his immune system and reduces his risks of developing speech issues, various cancers, and reduces his risk of becoming obese later in life.
  • Abevemi
    Abevemi Posts: 54 Member
    I breastfed my first Daughterfor 15 months, and only stopped because I was pregnant again. I now have a second Daughter, and have been breastfeeding her for 11 months now. I have no idea when I will stop...I will let her guide me on that one. I am hoping no younger than 18 months.
    The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding for 2 years.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    The world health organisation reccomends breastfeeding til age 2. It's not unhealthy or weird or bad. If you or your baby is not ready to stop, don't. My daughter didn't nurse, but i pumped for her til she was 18 months. my son nursef til he was a little over 2.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    All of my nursing experiences were different because all of my nurslings were different. With one it only lasted 3 wks and I gave up as advised by some quack because she had reflux. I know know I could have changed my diet or tried meds to extend that time. Most were upwards of a year and my last (twins) nursed till 14 months.

    You do whatever's best for you and your baby. <3
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    4 years for my daughter and around 3 years (a little more) for my son. The last year or two was mostly just nursing to sleep at night.. My daughter had some health issues, and the extended nursing really helped her stay healthy.
  • I still breastfeed my 14 month old. Mostly during nap time and at night, but he's been sick off and on the past few months and has been nursing more and eating less solid food. Do what you feel is right.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Baby #1 stopped at 18 months and baby #2 stopped at 21 months. Both nursed less and less naturally and then one day we were just done. I wish I could have gone longer b/c breastmilk is so beneficial when there is sickness in the household - last week my little one and I were both sick (he turns 2 next month), if I'd been able to nurse him still it would have been a great comfort for him and I wouldn't have been so stressed about keeping him hydrated. If/when I'm fortunate enough to have another baby, I hope to nurse until at least age 2. It's great for the children AND my family has a history of breast cancer so it's also particularly beneficial to me personally since the longer you breastfeed the more it decreases your chance for breast cancer. Anytime I've told a dr or midwife how much I've breastfed they have said it is great especially given my family history, they encouraged me to keep it up as long as baby and I wanted. I feel very lucky that breastfeeding worked well for me and my babies so that I had the opportunity b/c I know a lot of women have issues that make it difficult or even impossible.

    Don't let family pressure you if you feel it's still working out fine for you and your little one. The WHO says we should try to breastfeed to age 2. Even the AAP says babies should be breastfed until AT LEAST age 1 and then afterward for as long as it is still desirable for both mom and baby, meaning you should do it as long as you feel you and your baby want to continue, family members may not be very 'current' with the recommendations or benefits of extended breastfeeding. If they continue to bug you about it, say something along the lines of "I've discussed it with the baby's pediatrician and they are quite satisfied with our current feeding methods.". Family can't argue with the dr especially one that isn't standing there in front of them.
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