Road Trip of DEATH!

Hey Everyone,

I'm a week away from a road trip with my family. We are going to a big family event and staying with family where I really won't have a say in what's in the fridge or served on the plate. I also won't have much time to exercise with what's been scheduled. We'll also be in the car quite a bit and the only thing I know i can control is my water intake and probably my snacks.

I'm starting to get a bit worried about a stall or even backslide on the scale while I'm away for the 10 days.... how do you cope with road trips or travel? Any tips or tricks to those family reunions that kept you focused and on track?

Also, keep in mind what I said.. I really won't have control over what it served or the amount I'll be able to exercise, so please don't say you stay at a hotel with a good exercise room or only order salads... not helpful.


  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    It's 10 days. Almost nothing will happen unless you binge. Be intelligent and eat until you're content. Content is different from the "oh-my-god-my-stomach-is-about-to-burst" feeling. Even then, don't waste your trip worrying. Go out, have fun, and enjoy the company of your family members. If I go to a birthday, do you think I'm thinking about, "Hey, how many calories am I eating?" No.

    One easy way to keep calories down is to avoid drinks with calorie unless you're planning on getting drunk. Outside of that, water or diet drinks. I've made it a rule for myself to never drink calories unless I'm out drinking or I'm making a milkshake/smoothie.

    So, I think you should have fun and enjoy the food. You can't live your life worrying about every event and not enjoying grub. It's only 10 days. The only way you could remotely sabotage your weight loss is if you binge everyday. Also, don't weigh yourself after your 10 day trip. You will have increased in weight maybe 5-10lbs and you will start freaking out. Give yourself a week of being back at cutting calories.