Accuracy of Nike + GPS calories burned

I don't have a hrm, I don't want one (yet) I tend toget OCD about things and don't want something else to obsess about :) same reason I don't have a food scale. I'm losing, if I stop I'll reconsider. Anyways! I always use my Nike + GPS app on my iPhone for runs, I love seeing how far, fast and calories burnt! I'm just wondering if anyone has used it and a hrm and how accurate the app was?


  • 5ladybugs
    5ladybugs Posts: 135 Member
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    i also don't have a HRM but I feel its pretty accurate as long as you update your profile every couple of pounds. It's always less than MFP and I usually edit my calories on here to go by Nike
  • pheex
    pheex Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I actually love my Nike+ and used to always wear my HRM with it. It's really difficult to say how accurate it is because a lot of it depends on your stride and your body. For example, I have a tendency to have a short stride (little legs) so no matter how fast I run, I tend to burn more than Nike calculates. It also has to deal with what sort of shape you're in, how hard you're pushing yourself, etc.

    Short story, it's pretty accurate, but probably errs on the side of saying you burned less calories than you truly did!
  • 5ladybugs
    5ladybugs Posts: 135 Member
    Great.. for now I'll go with it!
  • I have a similar problem with my MFP versus my Nike+GPS. Yesterday there was 1000 calorie difference between the two of them. However, I think I'd choose the mfp because it has my weight, which is an important factor in calculating calories burned.

    I'd love to take the higher calorie burn, from the Nike, but I think MFP is more accurate. Any thoughts on this?
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I don't wear my HRM for every run - since I run about at the same intensity all the time. My last run, 93minutes, Nike+ was 10 calories less than my HRM. On shorter, faster, runs it overestimates by a bit.
    But then again, HRMs are not 100% accurate either. In hot weather for example, I know my HR is higher for the same amount of work...
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I have a similar problem with my MFP versus my Nike+GPS. Yesterday there was 1000 calorie difference between the two of them. However, I think I'd choose the mfp because it has my weight, which is an important factor in calculating calories burned.

    I'd love to take the higher calorie burn, from the Nike, but I think MFP is more accurate. Any thoughts on this?

    You can set your gender/height/weight stats in Nike+ too, that ought to make it more accurate.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've compared it with my HRM and it was spot on (give or take one or two calories)
    I tested it over 2 weeks and every time it gave me accurate calories burned.
    Probably because you enter your height, age, gender and weight, same as with the HRM

    Running will burn on average 100 calories per miles, reguardless.

    It's also always lower than what MFP would give as calories burned with the Min/Mi pace