Snacks at the movie theater?

I'm going to the movies tonight. Anyone have any ideas for movies snacks? I think I will bring some gum. Maybe a pocket of almonds. What I will really want is a bucket of popcorn with a soda and a pack of twizzlers!

Do you get movie theater snacks? What do you get?


  • tubbs_nomore
    Hi there... Dollerama sells small bags of Smartfood white cheddar popcorn...they fit well into the average purse. MUCH lower in calories & fat than what you'd get at the theater. Apple wedges & cheddar cheese in a Ziploc baggie work well...also hideable. Some sugar free candies, and stuff a bottle of your favorite beverage from home & you're good to go! Enjoy the movie!! I'm going Thursday night, can't wait.