...and I thought you couldn't make friends with salad.

I've only got one friend on here so far... :( ...and it's my wife, so I'm not sure if that counts, lol. Just looking to share motivation with others. I know my way around this being healthy thing pretty well and I'd be more than happy to share what I know... though I'm sure I've still got lots to learn!


  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    I'm slowly trying to make friends with salads but they're playing hard to get ... lool well at least u get 24 hr support from ur only friend, and she'll call you out on any deviations from the truth when it comes to ur food and exercise dariries :-)
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Hmm, what kind of salad? I'd love to co-motivate! I'm in a good place right now with my weight , and this is where I tend to let down my guard. I'm looking for ways to stay focused but not crazy. Unfortunately (for me), my husband is one of those naturally thin people who uses food strictly as an energy source, and if he was my friend on MFP, his head would explode :)
  • romannagy
    romannagy Posts: 3 Member
    Lol... did no one get the Simpson's reference?? :(
    Haha, oh well.