Getting back on track and need some help!

After close to a year of dedicated exercise, I lost my way when I had some family drama. Since then, I was put on anxiety medications which along with my lack of discipline, has caused me to gain 40 pounds in the last 6 months. Hard to believe this time last year I could wear a size 8 and am not up to a 12! I could see my body changing, but after stepping on the scale and seeing my actual weight... I finally had a wake up call. I started the calorie counting as of Sunday and found 30 minutes to exercise today. Cutting back is hard, but I know it needs to be done. If anyone has a similar story, or would just like some support and encouragement, feel free to add me!

Good Luck to ALL!!!


  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    BTDT...oh boy! Yeah, I saw my weight creeping up too but denial is powerful. Feel free to add me.