Paleo: good or bad?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I've been hearing all this stuff about the Paleo Diet and I was wondering if you guys had an opinion on it. I'm somewhat interested in it but I'm worried that I don't have the drive to follow through with it.
    Have any of you tried it/ known someone who tried it?
    What are your opinions on it?
    Did you feel any different compared to when you were eating normally?

    Thank you!

    It's not good or bad. It's just another diet plan. It's no different than deciding to eat low carb, or Mediterranean, or any of 1000 other diets. If you don't think you could stick to it, why would you set yourself up to fail?
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's good if that's the lifestyle you want to maintain. What every you do, paleo, vegetarian, vegan, low carb, high carb, high protein, dirt snacks . . . (just kidding), if fine as long as you're getting a good balance, eating enough calories, and it's a lifestyle you can stick with and not just an approach for temporary fix with the intent to return to whatever afterward. Now I say this with the caviate that different types of activities require different types of macros to ensure proper and efficient fueling of workouts. I try to eat a large amout of protein to help fuel my weight lifting and still get ample carbs to fuel my cardio for example.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.

    Olive oils and other oils are fake?
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I've been reading about Paleo/Primal lately, and while I'm undecided on going full tilt, I did enjoy reading about how some people think the USDA's food pyramid that has us eating mostly grains was simply a ploy to boost the economy and support farming. Also, I'm skeptical about the whole "eating less fat is healthy" angle. I am trying to cut out more simple carbs though.

    I love a good conspiracy theory. :devil:
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.

    Olive oils and other oils are fake?
    who said that? Oils are fat which are included in Paleo, Olive, avocado, coconut oils are my preference, but you use what you want.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.

    Olive oils and other oils are fake?
    who said that? Oils are fat which are included in Paleo, Olive, avocado, coconut oils are my preference, but you use what you want.

    You did
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.

    Olive oils and other oils are fake?
    who said that? Oils are fat which are included in Paleo, Olive, avocado, coconut oils are my preference, but you use what you want.

    You did

    LOL........I hear ya! Damn that processed food.
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.

    Olive oils and other oils are fake?
    who said that? Oils are fat which are included in Paleo, Olive, avocado, coconut oils are my preference, but you use what you want.

    You did
    hahahaha....yeah ok. I meant processed foods as stated in first sentence. Paleo is what you make it, my dear. You set your own rules as to what you choose to eliminate, whatever works for YOU. Some are stricter than others. If corn oil, vegetable oil, or canola oil is a must have, then by all means, continue doing so. I like more natural varieties myself.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I think the concept of eating whole and minimally processed foods, (while not a unique concept to paleo) is a very good one.
    I think the food elimination is silly.
    I think the premise of modeling our intake after our ancestors is silly.

    Totally agree with this guy.

    Modeling our intake with our ancestors is totally unrealistic. Our ancestors had very little overall nutrition and died young. No thanks.

    I do agree that eating mostly non-processed and whole foods is a great idea, but I can realistically only stick to that 90% of the time (on a good week). I did Crossfit for a while, and the people in there who followed a strict Paleo diet didn't look that good if you ask me.

    Losing weight still only comes down to counting calories.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Paleo is eliminating grains and processed foods. Processed = fake. I've been eating Paleo/primal for a year now and have absolutely no regrets. I dont "miss" any certain types of "foods' Paleo is very filling and while most eat it primarily for weight loss there are a many more benefits from it. Read up on it, start off slow if you want, make one meal paleo, and then as you start adjusting, increase it to 2 paleo meals, etc. Good luck with whatever lifestyle change you choose.

    Olive oils and other oils are fake?
    who said that? Oils are fat which are included in Paleo, Olive, avocado, coconut oils are my preference, but you use what you want.

    You did
    hahahaha....yeah ok. I meant processed foods as stated in first sentence. Paleo is what you make it, my dear. You set your own rules as to what you choose to eliminate, whatever works for YOU. Some are stricter than others. If corn oil, vegetable oil, or canola oil is a must have, then by all means, continue doing so. I like more natural varieties myself.

    And oils are all processed. There is a difference between not being processed and different degrees of processing, simply labeling all processed foods as you did is silly
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Come on, Acg, you know those cavemen had hydraulic presses for making olive oil...

    I do tend to find it amusing when it comes to these threads, that self proclaimed "Paleo eaters," completely change and alter the definition of the Paleo diet to pretty much match any kind of criticism to it. I mean, if you read all of these threads about it, and take everything that's said at face value, then EVERYTHING is Paleo. Which, frankly, isn't true in the slightest.

    There's a huge difference between "eating whole foods" and eating "Paleo." I think there are either a lot of people who label themselves as Paleo even though they aren't because they think it makes them superior, or they just don't understand the difference. A lot of people just need specific labels in order to feel good about themselves.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Come on, Acg, you know those cavemen had hydraulic presses for making olive oil...

    I do tend to find it amusing when it comes to these threads, that self proclaimed "Paleo eaters," completely change and alter the definition of the Paleo diet to pretty much match any kind of criticism to it. I mean, if you read all of these threads about it, and take everything that's said at face value, then EVERYTHING is Paleo. Which, frankly, isn't true in the slightest.

    There's a huge difference between "eating whole foods" and eating "Paleo." I think there are either a lot of people who label themselves as Paleo even though they aren't because they think it makes them superior, or they just don't understand the difference. A lot of people just need specific labels in order to feel good about themselves.

    To be honest, I really don't know the difference between the two. I've never 'dieted' or restricted my diet ever, and Paleo was something I recently heard about. I guess I have to do some more research.
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I have switched to a more Primal lifestyle and I love it.

    I eat whole cuts of meat. I eat fresh veggies. I eat fruit.

    I avoid peanuts, beans, peas, and all wheat products.

    I haven't lost a ton of weight yet (4 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks, getting close to losing the 5th), but I feel so much better since getting rid of the other stuff.

    truthfully, it's not about losing weight, although it does sometimes happen (usually), it's about eating food without toxins. No hormones, no antibiotics, no gluten, no icky proteins that attack your body, nothing that has been changed from one form to something completely different (i.e. prehistoric wheat to modern day wheat - read Wheat Belly).

    Fresh stuff - straight from the source.

    It's hard - don't get me wrong... going out for dinner with friends is nearly impossible unless you're willing to make some concessions... my advice - check out He has a lot of information available that can help you make the decision.

    I don't follow it perfectly... I allow some foods in that go against paleo/primal, but it's more about what foods your body can tolerate and how you feel as opposed to what is allowed and what isn't.

    PS Primal and Paleo are different approaches. Know the difference.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    To be honest, I really don't know the difference between the two. I've never 'dieted' or restricted my diet ever, and Paleo was something I recently heard about. I guess I have to do some more research.

    Take a peek:
  • kcmg0730
    kcmg0730 Posts: 96
    I do tend to find it amusing when it comes to these threads, that self proclaimed "Paleo eaters," completely change and alter the definition of the Paleo diet to pretty much match any kind of criticism to it. I mean, if you read all of these threads about it, and take everything that's said at face value, then EVERYTHING is Paleo. Which, frankly, isn't true in the slightest.

    Like what? I don't really see that paleo/primal eaters are making everything paleo or primal just to match criticism...I think there are primal/paleo folks who do follow the 80/20 philosophy, especially if they aren't choosing it for weight loss. Some primal folks eat dairy, some don't. Some incorporate rice and potatoes, some don't. Paleo and Primal are exactly like any other lifestyle change in that everyone meets their fuel needs slightly differently, but following the same template. There is a difference between paleo and primal actually, and you are right, there are likely lots of people who aren't really sure of the differences between them...there aren't huge differences, that's probably where some of the confusion comes from.
    There's a huge difference between "eating whole foods" and eating "Paleo." I think there are either a lot of people who label themselves as Paleo even though they aren't because they think it makes them superior, or they just don't understand the difference. A lot of people just need specific labels in order to feel good about themselves.

    Just out of genuine curiosity, can I please have links to those threads where folks are stating that paleo/primal is the best lifestyle plan for everyone?? I see many folks who live this way talking about personal benefits, but I must have missed the ones where people think it is superior to any other eating plan, and everyone should do it. If I'm wrong, fair enough, I just like a bit of context.

    A lot of people need to find fault with other peoples' diets in order to feel good about themselves.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I do tend to find it amusing when it comes to these threads, that self proclaimed "Paleo eaters," completely change and alter the definition of the Paleo diet to pretty much match any kind of criticism to it. I mean, if you read all of these threads about it, and take everything that's said at face value, then EVERYTHING is Paleo. Which, frankly, isn't true in the slightest.

    Like what? I don't really see that paleo/primal eaters are making everything paleo or primal just to match criticism...I think there are primal/paleo folks who do follow the 80/20 philosophy, especially if they aren't choosing it for weight loss. Some primal folks eat dairy, some don't. Some incorporate rice and potatoes, some don't. Paleo and Primal are exactly like any other lifestyle change in that everyone meets their fuel needs slightly differently, but following the same template. There is a difference between paleo and primal actually, and you are right, there are likely lots of people who aren't really sure of the differences between them...there aren't huge differences, that's probably where some of the confusion comes from.
    There's a huge difference between "eating whole foods" and eating "Paleo." I think there are either a lot of people who label themselves as Paleo even though they aren't because they think it makes them superior, or they just don't understand the difference. A lot of people just need specific labels in order to feel good about themselves.

    Just out of genuine curiosity, can I please have links to those threads where folks are stating that paleo/primal is the best lifestyle plan for everyone?? I see many folks who live this way talking about personal benefits, but I must have missed the ones where people think it is superior to any other eating plan, and everyone should do it. If I'm wrong, fair enough, I just like a bit of context.

    A lot of people need to find fault with other peoples' diets in order to feel good about themselves.

    I am glad you addressed that question first about the one poster saying that Paleo people end up saying everything is Paleo. I have never heard of anyone on the Paleo or Primal plan say that cake and cookies are on plan as they are not. I could not think of anything nice to say so I didn't say anything at all.

    And to the other question, many Paleo / Primal people are a bit over zealous with their lifestyle plan as are many vegetarians and vegans.

    Personally (in my opinion) I can't see where people can't say that eating sufficient fat, protein and vegetables and fruits aren't an optimum way of eating for all human beings. We aren't designed to eat stuff like packaged, frozen, boxed food like substances that is why there are so many lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I do tend to find it amusing when it comes to these threads, that self proclaimed "Paleo eaters," completely change and alter the definition of the Paleo diet to pretty much match any kind of criticism to it. I mean, if you read all of these threads about it, and take everything that's said at face value, then EVERYTHING is Paleo. Which, frankly, isn't true in the slightest.

    Like what? I don't really see that paleo/primal eaters are making everything paleo or primal just to match criticism...I think there are primal/paleo folks who do follow the 80/20 philosophy, especially if they aren't choosing it for weight loss. Some primal folks eat dairy, some don't. Some incorporate rice and potatoes, some don't. Paleo and Primal are exactly like any other lifestyle change in that everyone meets their fuel needs slightly differently, but following the same template. There is a difference between paleo and primal actually, and you are right, there are likely lots of people who aren't really sure of the differences between them...there aren't huge differences, that's probably where some of the confusion comes from.
    There's a huge difference between "eating whole foods" and eating "Paleo." I think there are either a lot of people who label themselves as Paleo even though they aren't because they think it makes them superior, or they just don't understand the difference. A lot of people just need specific labels in order to feel good about themselves.

    Just out of genuine curiosity, can I please have links to those threads where folks are stating that paleo/primal is the best lifestyle plan for everyone?? I see many folks who live this way talking about personal benefits, but I must have missed the ones where people think it is superior to any other eating plan, and everyone should do it. If I'm wrong, fair enough, I just like a bit of context.

    A lot of people need to find fault with other peoples' diets in order to feel good about themselves.

    The 2nd part seems to be deleted now, but claims that Paleo was superior were made in it
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I am glad you addressed that question first about the one poster saying that Paleo people end up saying everything is Paleo. I have never heard of anyone on the Paleo or Primal plan say that cake and cookies are on plan as they are not. I could not think of anything nice to say so I didn't say anything at all.

    And to the other question, many Paleo / Primal people are a bit over zealous with their lifestyle plan as are many vegetarians and vegans.

    Personally (in my opinion) I can't see where people can't say that eating sufficient fat, protein and vegetables and fruits aren't an optimum way of eating for all human beings. We aren't designed to eat stuff like packaged, frozen, boxed food like substances that is why there are so many lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc.

    And are carbs required for optimum performance in life or not? I understand that they are non essential, but for optimum performance, are they good or bad?

    And can you please substantiate your claim that "packaged, frozen, boxed food like substances " cause lifestyle diseases
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    I think the concept of eating whole and minimally processed foods, (while not a unique concept to paleo) is a very good one.
    I think the food elimination is silly.
    I think the premise of modeling our intake after our ancestors is silly.

    Totally agree with this guy.

    Modeling our intake with our ancestors is totally unrealistic. Our ancestors had very little overall nutrition and died young. No thanks.

    I do agree that eating mostly non-processed and whole foods is a great idea, but I can realistically only stick to that 90% of the time (on a good week). I did Crossfit for a while, and the people in there who followed a strict Paleo diet didn't look that good if you ask me.

    Losing weight still only comes down to counting calories.

    I'm going to disaagree with both of you.
    I'd suggest for anyone to read any of these academic papers.

    The idea that our ancestors lived short brutal lives so we shouldn't look at our own evolutionary biology is an uneducated cop out slogan. Yes, many died young from injuries, but the many who did live into older age were in remarkably good health. Do your research and don't ignore that you are a complex animal with a very long history.

    And losing or gaining weight does not only come down to counting calories. We are not so simple, to claim so is shortsighted. I'll say it again: Hormones!