The importance of water....

I thought this link explained the importance of water well...

The Importance Of Water And Your Health

"I'm dying of thirst!"

Well, you just might. It sounds so simple. H20 - two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. This substance also known as water, is one of the most essential elements to health and is so important that your body actually has a specific drought management system in place to prevent dehydration and ensure your survival. Water might be everywhere, but one must never take it for granted.

Water makes up more than two thirds of human body weight, and without water, we would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen. (Are you having trouble reading this? Drink up!) Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. An estimated seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. Pretty scary statistic for a developed country where water is readily available through the tap or bottle water.

Water is important to the mechanics of the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. In fact, all the cell and organ functions that make up our entire anatomy and physiology depend on water for their functioning.

*Water serves as a lubricant

*Water forms the base for saliva

*Water forms the fluids that surround the joints.

*Water regulates the body temperature, as the cooling & heating is distributed through perspiration.

*Water helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and thereby eliminating waste - the best detox agent.

*Water helps to regulate metabolism

*In addition to the daily maintenance of our bodies, water also plays a key role in the prevention of disease. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer. And those are just a few examples! As you follow other links on our website, you can read more in depth about how water can aid in the prevention and cure of many types of diseases, ailments and disorders that affect the many systems of our bodies.

Since water is such an important component to our physiology, it would make sense that the quality of the water should be just as important as the quantity. Drinking water should always be clean and free of contaminants to ensure proper health and wellness.



  • Thanks for taking the time to post this information. i have NEVER drank enough water but am now trying to change that. This really puts into perspective how important water is for everyday functions and long term health.
  • jenclune
    jenclune Posts: 1 Member
    I have just discovered how much energy left I have after a busy day, IF I drink my water, I think its a hugely overlooked part of a lot of people's day, plus my skin is clearer and I have a better overall feeling :smile:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I suspect they may be overselling the cancer prevention aspect of water (it would be interesting to see if any studies actually exist or, like 80% of all statistics, they're just made up) but the daytime fatigue is true - you don't need to have an energy drink at 2:30 in the afternoon (even though an espresso is very pleasant) - drink some water!
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Not sure about the cancer stats either but I'm realising now that I don't drink enough and I need to cut out the diet drinks.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    my water bottle is my goes everywhere I do. It may look strange but it reminds me I need to drink it. At first, It was hard to do it, but now I get thirsty more often and am constantly downing swigs of water. before I know it I have drank over my daily intake of 8-8oz of water a day. Most days I consume 64 ounces. I am finding I don't get as hungry also.. I have done away with diet pop and find I really don't want it any more. Occasionally I will drink some but on the most part, now, water is the only thing that quenches my thirst. Yep, I am a bottle baby!!:drinker:
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Interesting. Didn't know it could help to prevent cancer. Thanks for that.
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    Really interesting facts, thanks so much for posting this :)
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Wow, thanks for posting this! I just recently upped my water and I DO have a lot more energy!!
  • AntuanR
    AntuanR Posts: 23 Member
    Water has become one of my best friends!! lol.... It's all I drink really now..