calling all runners.....begginers and intermediates

hey all. ive been running about 3 months now and have just completed my first 10k. it took me 72mins :)

fancy being friends and motivating eachother to run more often and burn thos calories :)


  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    That is great! I have been running a little over a year and am doing a 15 k this summer... depending on how that goes maybe a half marathon in october... Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    I have never ran in my life, but I have signed up to do the race for life this year, and tonight I am starting my training :/

    How did you feel when you first ran? How long shall I aim for? x
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    that is great i myself do not run...(bladder cannot handle it) a friend an myself do do the 5k walks i enjoy very much we have one coming next month.i can walk that in 42 minutes i blieve is my time...
  • Cardiff_dave
    Cardiff_dave Posts: 10 Member
    well done, that's great.

    I do 10k 3 or 4 times a week and have for about 9/10 weeks now (5k before that but not for long, having dropped the running altogether for a while).

    I do about 54 minutes but this includes periods of stopping - I tend to run for about 7 minutes and walk for 90 seconds, and repeat til ive done 10k. I must run quite fast because even doing that I tend to complete the 10k a lot faster than a lot of people who don't slow to walking at all.

    However, it annoys me that I can't do it without slowing to a walk sometimes. I managed 20 minutes yesterday without slowing down, thats the most for ages. Annoyingly, I used to do about 45 minutes a while back non stop.

    Have put myself in for the Swansea Admiral bay 10k run in September and I want to be able to do it in good form by then.

    Would defo be good to have other runners on here to help with motivation.

    Also for advise on injuries, equipment, pre run nutrition, etc....

  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 162
    I would love to run but feel like i'm too big. (certainly up top). Got the couch to 5k app on my phone just need to pick up the courage to start it.
    Did you get to a certain size before you started?
  • stuey39
    stuey39 Posts: 159
    well done on your 10k...I'm currently training for 2 x half-marathons and a 10 miler in Sept/Oct...feel free to add me if you want..I'm just up the road from you...good luck with the rest of your running.
  • janey2607
    janey2607 Posts: 64 Member

    I started running last August and i must say i'm addicted. Did 10k on Sunday in 66 minutes. Signed up for 10k race for life and the Great North Run in September (half marathon)

    Feel free to add x
  • Cardiff_dave
    Cardiff_dave Posts: 10 Member
    I have never ran in my life, but I have signed up to do the race for life this year, and tonight I am starting my training :/

    How did you feel when you first ran? How long shall I aim for? x

    do couch25k without doubt - it's fantastic and the best way to start I think.
  • tycholien
    tycholien Posts: 33 Member
    I have never ran in my life, but I have signed up to do the race for life this year, and tonight I am starting my training :/

    How did you feel when you first ran? How long shall I aim for? x

    Do a google on C25K (Couch to 5 K), I followed that last year (with some modifications that suited me) and I am now doing 10k regularly.

    Start off nice and easy, make sure you stretch and don't push it too hard. I got carried away and managed to get a groin strain, so just take it careful to begin with.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Well done!

    I'm doing my first ever event this saturday - Cooper River Bridge Run 10k. 12 weeks ago I never ran in my life and now I am ready!!
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    i started running this year. completed the couch to 5k two weeks ago and now modifying it to get to 10k by the summer. there are paid apps to help with this and i might resort to that if i can't motivate myself to get to 10k. i loved the free couch to 5k podcasts. it was great having someone prompting me when to run or walk and telling me how much time i have completed or have left to go. i highly recommend it to new runners even if you feel like you are fit enough to just run the 5k. that training helps you to get over the mental blocks :grumble:

    i find running is more about a battle with my mind rather than a battle with my body to get it done. i'm constantly telling myself that i can't do it :explode: (which is bad, but its the truth) and i have to battle with my mind saying well 'if i can't do it then i'll just have to collapse first'.:angry: i have a little mantra that i got from another motivator that i repeat to myself when i'm slogging through my runs. i ask myself when i'm feeling like giving up 'are you going to pass out? yes, then pass out. no, keep running. are you going to die? yes, then die. no, keep running' and that keeps me going. i guess if i were to pass out on the treadmill it wont be the worse thing in the world and if i was going to die then well at least my coffin wont have to be so big as i lost a bit of weight first :)

    feel free to add me. it'll be great having the support to get to 10k! happy running :flowerforyou:
  • Hynes13
    Hynes13 Posts: 34 Member
    I started running at the beginning of this year (New Year's Resolution!). Started doing 5km's and now i run 15km's every second day. I have a 7.5km in May and 12km in September. I would love to complete either a half marathon or biathlon in the next year too. Add me as a friend.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    I would love to run but feel like i'm too big. (certainly up top). Got the couch to 5k app on my phone just need to pick up the courage to start it.
    Did you get to a certain size before you started?

    you can start at any weight. i run/jog really slowly but i do make it. i don't care that i'm not doing a 8 minute mile. i get a sense of accomplishment just for completing the target i set for myself. i'm workign on speed now but that doesn't have to be your first goal. you can set your own speed as long as there is a difference between your walking and running/jogging. definitely give week 1 for the c25k a go and see how you feel. that feeling of accomplishment you get at the end is worth all the stress you feel during the running. its a battle in the mind. make up your mind that you are not going to stop during the periods when the app tells you to run and just go. good luck!
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Well done on your 10k - I've just completed a 5k in 32mins & hope to run a couple of 10k's April/June this year - looking forward to having someone who enjoys the same thing - sent ya a friend request
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I've been running for 15 years, but I'm so slow and always learning, so I still consider myself a beginner!

    I blogged my beginner's running tips that might help some of you:

    My favourite tip, and one I still use when shooting for a new target is:
    "When you start out, it’s HARD! Even if you think you’re fit, running is so different to anything else you’ve done before you will get out of breath quickly. Stick with it. Can’t manage a minute? Go slow. Still can’t? GO SLOWER! "
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I would love new running friends! I am most definitely a beginner as I am still stuck on week 8 of c25k. The mental part of running is getting to me! Please feel free to add me as a friend or I can add you. :)
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Great job on your 10k!

    I have been running for over a year now, and am totally addicted! Few 5k's under my belt and looking to complete a 10k in June of this year.

    Feel free to add me, always looking for running friends!:flowerforyou:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Great job!!! Finishing those first few races gives you such a great sense of accomplishment!

    I've got my 3rd half marathon coming up this Saturday, hoping to beat my last time (2:30- SLOW, I know). I've been running for about a couple years now, hopefully I'll run my first marathon next year :)
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Well done! I am currently training to get to 10k. (started umm, about 6 weeks ago) Doing 7-9k about every other day. that includes warmup walk and walking intervals (currently 5 minutes run 1 walk), so i am out for about an hour each time.
    Yesterday was a pain though, so i think i might take 2 days off, just to give myself a bit of a break. I thought it was the heat, but the last 2 or 3 times i've really struggled (after running easily for over an hour the time before, and yesterday was only about 5°C) so i think rest is in order.
    anyhow, will do some strength instead.

    add me if you like... the more the merrier :happy:
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Great Job!

    I started running this year....well according to my speed I brisk walk but I call it running. I am doing my first half marathon Saturday and I expect a slow finish time but I will finish and I cant wait for that.

    There is something so awesome about pushing yourself to cross a finish line. I have only done 1 official 5k and I did that in 39 minutes and felt pretty awesome.

    I also do the 7/3 run/walk combo.