Wide waist - Argh!

I'm on Day 28 of the 30 Day Shred and my waist is looking ridiculously wide. I'm so angry and upset - as ridiculous as that sounds.
I wanted a smaller waist not a wider one.
Jillian Michaels has a wide waist - i now know why! :devil:

Anyone else experiencing this? Even better, anyone know how to give me a smaller waist? :huh:


  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    How interesting .. I have done several rounds of the shred and lost inches ... I have also done 6 wk 6 pack ...thats a good waist burner!

    whilst jillian has a straight up and down figure i think she is tiny in real life so dont let that discourage you:)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    just posting here to find the answers :) ...

    Id be happy if I lost no more from my bum and bust as long as the inches fell from my waist ...........
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member

    whilst jillian has a straight up and down figure i think she is tiny in real life so dont let that discourage you:)

    I agree - there is nothing big on Jillian - she just happens to have no hips very straight up and down figure... it almost makes me laugh Jillian wide - me on the other hand I am wide LOL
  • Hols969
    Hols969 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a wide waist too (but do have PCOS), legs and thighs are pretty good but that darn waist will always be wide I think and it seems to be where my fat stays....
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Your waist probably has not gotten wider. More likely your hips have gotten smaller.
    Even though you can't spot reduce, most people don't lose evenly and proportionately. This may be genetics too, unless you had a tiny waist before you gained weight. Keep at it and use a tape measure to be sure.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Your waist probably has not gotten wider. More likely your hips have gotten smaller.
    Even though you can't spot reduce, most people don't lose evenly and proportionately. This may be genetics too, unless you had a tiny waist before you gained weight. Keep at it and use a tape measure to be sure.

    Agree!!! Did you take measurements before you started?? You can't pick where you want to lose the weight/inches. You have to lose over all inches/weight and then your body will pick and chose where to lose from.
  • Hols969
    Hols969 Posts: 8 Member
    It would be so good if you could pick where it goes from, dont want to lose any more off my bust or legs but waist at least another 3 inches!! oh and the fat around my bra straps :-)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    honestly, I think this may have more to do with your genetics than the 30 Day Shred.

    If your bodytype just has a wide waist... there's not a whole lot you can do.

    In terms of disguising it there is (like, try to widen those shoulders by increasing muscle mass.... in theory), or clothing options obviously can help...

    otherwise........ :(
  • i agree with previous posters im sure ur waist hasnt gotten any bigger, ur hips have gotten smaller :).. Dont be discouraged some months i lose 5 inches off my hips and 1/2 of my waist then the next month it will be the opposite. Just keep working hard ur doing great.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    No it has, the last few measurements ive done my waist has been adding half an inch or so as has my hips...not sure why. Could it be down to being due on? (sorry for the tmi lads) .......
  • rachellprice89
    rachellprice89 Posts: 9 Member
    what i suggest you do is not to get discouraged, it could be down to being on (again sorry lads) or the fact that youre toning, women are designed to have curves...dont let it upset you...just keep going as you have been!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    what i suggest you do is not to get discouraged, it could be down to being on (again sorry lads) or the fact that youre toning, women are designed to have curves...dont let it upset you...just keep going as you have been!

    The only curves i have are my boobs and bum. i look straight down in my opinion. It don't make sense. A few weeks ago i looked toned and today i look flabby again! I'll take a picture and show you all what i mean...
  • rachellprice89
    rachellprice89 Posts: 9 Member
    is it due to skin through the weight loss? i get that a bit, just takes it a bit of time to shrink...just dont get upset, are you drinking enough water? could also be a reason? x
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    The only thing that will actually make your waist larger is fat. But the proportions of waist to stomach, may make it look bigger.

    How much are you eating, what are you eating? If you make your diary public we can evaluate.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    what i suggest you do is not to get discouraged, it could be down to being on (again sorry lads) or the fact that youre toning, women are designed to have curves...dont let it upset you...just keep going as you have been!

    The only curves i have are my boobs and bum. i look straight down in my opinion. It don't make sense. A few weeks ago i looked toned and today i look flabby again! I'll take a picture and show you all what i mean...

    OK...first off, you are about to be OTR??? So, that really messes how you see yourself. You are probably not flabby, just seeing your body with your "period eyes" and those SUCK!

    I am built a lot like you I bet. I want my waist to be smaller, but I just do not see how it can unless I lose some ribs. People were always surprised at my waist measurement, it is 2" more than what it looks....even when I was super skinny and had no fat on my tummy, my waist was still 25-26" (it looked like 24 or smaller)

    But now that I have had kids, my ribcage is bigger and my waist will just not go down. And I have a shorter waist, so there is not much room between my ribcage and my hip bones. :(

    One thing that has helped the appearance though, is I do a lot of planks and ab vacuums. This will help your transverse abs to pull in your outer abs.

    I also drink ACV, and i swear it helps with bloating...especially period bloat!!!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    is it due to skin through the weight loss? i get that a bit, just takes it a bit of time to shrink...just dont get upset, are you drinking enough water? could also be a reason? x

    *guilty* have only been drinking flavoured water and tea....
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    bump - shameful i know!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I think you are looking really good!!! Your waist goes in a lot more than mine does! Do not get discouraged, you look sexy and beautiful with your curves...I love the last picture!!!
  • Most of your body's shape is due to genetics. You can chisel certain muscles with strength training, but some things just are the way they are. I happen to have a smaller waist and wider hips and shoulders no matter what weight I'm at. I also have bulky, muscular legs, but not because I do a lot of lower body exercises. It's just the way my body has always been and it probably won't ever change.