Toenails Fall Off



  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    That happened to me last year but not because of running. I was wearing ill-fitting shoes and one of my toenails just fell off. So gross. I had to go through all of last summer painting my skin! EEEWWW!!!

    Ewwwwwwww......Hahahaha!! Sorry, that's not funny. Hope your toenail is intact and cute again!!

    I remember a quote from a show a million years ago, "Just paint the skin." I can't remember the show/movie though.
  • kileyt71
    kileyt71 Posts: 4
    I'm a long distance walker (the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walks) and lost a toenail after my last walk (never had before.) My toenails were too long. The nail hits the top of the shoe repeatedly, gets bruised, and then after a new nail grows in its place, the old one falls off. I wasn't ever without a nail... just a little baby nail grew in underneath after a few months. It wasn't that bad.

    But yes, get good shoes, a half size bigger, and keep your nails trimmed very short!