Happy n Heavy vs Skinny *****!

My Hubby commented recently that he noticed how irritable I had become since I've embarked on my 'fit, slim and healthy' journey. He said, jokingly, that if losing weight was going to turn me into a skinny *****, then he'd prefer me to be heavy n happy!!

It made me think... I have been a lot more irritable and angry over the last couple of months! I haven't been particularly hungry so I can't blame that but I have been exceptionally tired all the time from the exersize. It's not that I've been miserable or sullen or anything like that, just quick to anger and notably less patient and tolerant.

Has anyone else had his problem?


  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Maybe your self esteem is getting better and you're more able to speak your mind and not just put up with bull**it? Just a thought.
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Are you getting a decent amount of fats/carbs to fit your macros?

    There's no reason you should be feeling like that imo unless you are lacking something in your diet.

    Good luck.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I noticed that I was snappier. I don't think it was self esteem or hunger, I just know I felt irritable. It is possible it was tiredness as I now go to bed much earlier than I ever have before - due to the increase in excercise, I think! Now I'm on maintenance that feeling has gone away!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I was pretty *****y myself when I was eating far under my BMR. I decided to settle for happy and slowly skinnier rather than shooting for skinnier faster.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    How often do you exercise? If you're exhausted all the time, no wonder you're cranky. Maybe cut back a little and see if your mood improves. Are you cutting back on sleep to find time to exercise?
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Same issue here, I have found I get a lot of anger issues since doing a lot of cycling or walking, I tend to do 2 hours at a time, and it has crept up from being an even mix, to being cycling every day just about.
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Sometimes we just need to resolve to change our *****iness...having said that it is not as easy as one thinks! So if you feel the irritability building, stop whatever it is that you are doing, even for a few seconds and take a deep breath, then shout a silly phrase or start singing one of your favorite songs, or think of a happy moment, or if it is your honey you're getting pissed at, think of the last time you had really great sex with him! It doesn't work everytime but if you do it enough times you can learn to change your attitude instantly or omit being irritable most of the time!~

  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I noticed that I was snappier. I don't think it was self esteem or hunger, I just know I felt irritable. It is possible it was tiredness as I now go to bed much earlier than I ever have before - due to the increase in excercise, I think! Now I'm on maintenance that feeling has gone away!

    Glad to hear this... I'm not alone here!

    I've been wondering whether it is too much exersize, not enough food or some sort of deficiency so almost everyone's comments have sort of backed up my hunches. I don't think it's self esteem though - I've never really had a problem with that. And to be clear, my husband is a darling and he's really supportive... It's not that I was irritable with him - I've been irritable with EVERYTHING!

    I have a cold now so I'm backing off on the exersize and trying to rest more for the moment... Maybe that might help shed some light on te cause?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I get ****** when I spread myself too thin. I feel much better when I cut back on my exercise time by kicking up the intensity doing way more in less time and actually get better results. I also make myself go to bed a bit earlier when possible. My first thought was you're not eating enough so I peeked at your diary, so glad to see that's not the case. Kudos for you for not falling into the less I eat more I'll lose trap :happy: Maybe look at how you can streamline your workouts and give yourself a bit more down time. I also noticed with my hubs he gets a bit jealous when I'm spending time on myself and not him so maybe that's a small bit of it. Good luck!
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Are you getting a decent amount of fats/carbs to fit your macros?

    There's no reason you should be feeling like that imo unless you are lacking something in your diet.

    Good luck.

    Have to study up on macros a bit I think... I think I have been a bit low on carbs at times and I know from previous experience that I need carbs to stabilize myself! Might be something in that...
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I find in general if I'm doing too much my patience gets thinner. Nobodys fault, but mine for taking too much on. Know hubby is great so its not him. I'd back off on the exercise like you are doing because your ill. Slow and steady wins the race. Think its a fine balancing act I need enough exercise to keep me in a good place psychologically but not too much, but above all I NEED sleep. I'm a grouchbag if I don't get it. Are you getting enough sleep? Sleep makes my world go round honestly lol. Zara x
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    You're not alone, I caught myself being extra *****y and realized I had been for several weeks. I wondered how that was possible because the exercise and healthier food make me feel so much better. I think for me it was more lack of time and being way behind on house chores to the point of being overwhelmed with them. Still haven't found a good balance but I'm trying to be more aware of what I say and how I act (doesn't always work...). I hope you are able to find something that works for you.
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Are you getting a decent amount of fats/carbs to fit your macros?

    There's no reason you should be feeling like that imo unless you are lacking something in your diet.

    Good luck.

    Have to study up on macros a bit I think... I think I have been a bit low on carbs at times and I know from previous experience that I need carbs to stabilize myself! Might be something in that...

    Everyone reacts different to carbs/lack of carbs. But when setting up your macros, I would suggest keeping your carbs at 40% or higher and your fats/proteins for the rest.

    But if you're somewhat active (exercise 5+ days a week), you can use this:
    Moderately active: 4.5 - 6.5 g/ kg (about 2 - 3g/ pound)
    High active: 6.5 - 8.5 g/ kg (about 3 - 4g/ pound)
    INTENSE activity: + 8.5g / kg (more than 4g/ pound)
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Are you getting a decent amount of fats/carbs to fit your macros?

    There's no reason you should be feeling like that imo unless you are lacking something in your diet.

    Good luck.

    Have to study up on macros a bit I think... I think I have been a bit low on carbs at times and I know from previous experience that I need carbs to stabilize myself! Might be something in that...

    Everyone reacts different to carbs/lack of carbs. But when setting up your macros, I would suggest keeping your carbs at 40% or higher and your fats/proteins for the rest.

    But if you're more active than normal folks (exercise 5+ days a week), you can use this:
    Moderately active: 4.5 - 6.5 g/ kg (about 2 - 3g/ pound)
    High active: 6.5 - 8.5 g/ kg (about 3 - 4g/ pound)
    INTENSE activity: + 8.5g / kg (more than 4g/ pound)

    (Sorry about the double post)
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I have been irritable since my weight loss journey has begun. The reasons are:

    1. I am exercising now so the time I would of used doing house cleaning, errands, and daily tasks is now done in less time. I have the same amount of stuff to do, just with less time. That makes me grumpy! Especially if I am the only one in the family doing those jobs. And I look around and everyone else is just watching tv.

    2. I am feeling so much better now. I definitely have more vigor. And self-esteem. I find myself being more assertive. And expecting more out of my family.

    3. I now want to push myself to be successful in all areas of my life. I am directing myself in a positive way and my family members (whom I love) are content to "hang out".

    Gosh, I sound harsh on my family! I'm not a skinny b***** yet, but I hope to be soon! Just kidding!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    At first, on a calorie restriction, i was more irritable, which was pointed out to me, and i worked on and it went away gradually. But, when i restrict carbs, i am a complete D-bag................all day, no fail.
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    I've noticed im consistently low on carbs. Any ideas on good carbs I can add in?
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I have not experienced this at all, my mood and confidence has definitely improved. I agree with other people, check out your diet, are you eating enough? Eating enough carbs may be an issue. Eat whole grain breads, and brown rice.
  • LenaCali
    LenaCali Posts: 18
    At first, on a calorie restriction, i was more irritable, which was pointed out to me, and i worked on and it went away gradually. But, when i restrict carbs, i am a complete D-bag................all day, no fail.

    this made me chuckle - i love that it's not just women - you're awesome man :)