Bike riding



  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Please make sure to wear a helmet. I was hit by a car that did not bother to yeild to me when makeing a left turn. My helmet was cracked in three places, but my head was fine.

    Just be prepared for anything. In this day and age with more drives reading their email and texting, you need to be prepared for anything that comes along.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member

    I'm sorry - you're saying that not wearing a helmet makes people pay more attention to you? Does that go for not wearing reflective clothing, not having blinky lights on your bike, etc?

    By this logic, the guys dressed in black in the middle of the night should be the safest of all!

    All it takes is one moron who's not paying attention to ANYTHING to cause you to have a very, very, very bad day.

    Try this: Put on a helmet and have your husband, friend, brother, significant other, etc... smack you in the head with a plank.

    Now have them do it to you with no helmet on.

    Then decide if you want to wear one while you're riding.

    You didn't read what I wrote, properly. I said I DO wear one but that drivers feel more secure driving closer to cyclists who they perceive to be more capable (because they are wearing helmets) and tend to get a little closer to them, than folks they perceive to be amateurs. I am not saying this is acceptable, it's just how the statistics pan out.

    Also, coming off a bike or being hit by a 2 ton vehicle, made of steel is not the same as being hit with a plank of wood.