Where did your food issues come from?

Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
I am guessing a lot of us here have problems with food - everything from just eating a bit too much junk to EDs. I was just wondering whether anyone wanted to share where their problem with food came from as I've just worked mine out.

Unhsurprisingly mine stems from my parents. when I was very young I was an extrmemly stressed child with parents with terrible cooking skills. As a result I was extremely thin as I just couldn't and wouldn't eat. On the rare occasion I finished a meal I was rewarded and since then I have always felt a sense achievement when I clear my plate.

Now that I'm not that stressed child / teen anymore and that I can cook and enjoy food, I have trouble stopping before getting overfull as my brain still wants that sense of achievement at having eaten it all. As such, a lot of my work has been on portion size.

Where do your issues come from?


  • diam0nddagger
    I'm not entirely sure but I can remember being at school and me and my sister being told off for wanting to eat crisps etc as they were bad for us. It became us buying loads of crisps and sweets at lunch with extra to cram in when we got home in the hour before our parents came home.
    Often bought a fairly bulk size and it got to the point where we were almost sneaked an entire meal before they came home (my sister went for super noodles and I can remember occasions where I'd eat an entire block or cheese??)

    I don't blame my parents in the slightest of course, me and my sister kinda spurred each other on. To this day (she's 21) she still has unlimited amounts of sweets, muffins, crisps etc hidden in and around her bedroom in her flat, though she has my dad's build so couldn't put on weight if she tried and is skinny as anything! I'm like my mother and coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, I ballooned. Which I'm now trying to fix!
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    Emotional eating. When I moved to US and left all my family and friends all I could do is eat to fill the emptiness I had inside me.