Biggest protein bang for the buck.

I need a some help. I've started lifting again after some injuries (not related to lifting, but work and getting older related). I know I need to increase protein intake, but I'm on a tight budget..

What are your suggestions for getting the biggest protein bang for my buck? Fish and seafood are out due to allergies.

Thanks for any advice!


  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Protein powder for sure
    I personally like cottage cheese and greek yogurt. Great protein source
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Protein shakes, nuts, eggs, and chicken.
  • egg whites, eggs, chicken breasts..
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Canned tuna and cottage cheese. Mix the two with some chopped boiled egg, celery, and onion, and you've got something crazy like 40g-60g of protein.

    *Edit: Add bacon bits for flavor and more protein, and because, hey, bacon!
    **EditEdit: Crumbled bacon, not the fake crap.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Eggs, protein powders, greek yogurt, milk, meat (any).
  • hbar98
    hbar98 Posts: 39
    Thanks for the tips, everyone! Now just need to let go of some money..