Introduce Yourself

I just joined this about a week ago. So far I have lost 4 lbs. I have a 3 year old daughter. When I was pregnant with her I gained 70 LBS!! I have lost all of the weight and a little more. My stomach pouch seems to be impossible to go away no matter what I do. I also am "top heavy". I have thin legs and carry all of my weight in my upper body. I am in need of some friends and motivators. I am WAY TOO YOUNG to be depressed about my weight!! I have so much to be happy and thankful for. I am in need of some friends and motivators! I need all the advice and tips I can get from succesful weight loss stories! Also, I see a lot of people posting about the 30 day shred. I feel like I "cheat" my workouts and don't give my all when working out at home then as I would in the gym. Any tips on different types of workout to do at the gym besides the tredmill and elliptical for cardio. I do not want to plateu and get discouraged early on!