

  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    I am glad you posted this! lol I have been wondering the same thing. I don't know If I am just not understanding or what... but I know I don't want what I burn in exercise cals to become new cals I can eat! I am burning them off for a reason... I don't want them back! LOL .... I guess I am missing something
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I am glad you posted this! lol I have been wondering the same thing. I don't know If I am just not understanding or what... but I know I don't want what I burn in exercise cals to become new cals I can eat! I am burning them off for a reason... I don't want them back! LOL .... I guess I am missing something

    Yes, you are missing something. Typically people exercise, but don't eat less. They create their calorie deficit through exercise.

    MFP is different. We create a calorie deficit through diet. We are already eating less than what our body uses. When we exercise, our body needs more, so we can eat more and still be at a deficit. It's important to eat the exercise calories so you don't create a deficit that is too large. That will harm your body.
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    I am glad you posted this! lol I have been wondering the same thing. I don't know If I am just not understanding or what... but I know I don't want what I burn in exercise cals to become new cals I can eat! I am burning them off for a reason... I don't want them back! LOL .... I guess I am missing something

    Yes, you are missing something. Typically people exercise, but don't eat less. They create their calorie deficit through exercise.

    MFP is different. We create a calorie deficit through diet. We are already eating less than what our body uses. When we exercise, our body needs more, so we can eat more and still be at a deficit. It's important to eat the exercise calories so you don't create a deficit that is too large. That will harm your body.

    Yup, that is a dead on explanation...:)
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    I am glad you posted this! lol I have been wondering the same thing. I don't know If I am just not understanding or what... but I know I don't want what I burn in exercise cals to become new cals I can eat! I am burning them off for a reason... I don't want them back! LOL .... I guess I am missing something

    Let me simplify for you...when i set up my account my actual calories that I burn if i was laying around doing nothing at all was in the 2,000 calorie mark so MFP set my calorie intake well below this to 1200 calories..leaving me with a 800 calorie deficit. This 800 difference is how i lose weight at all times if i stick to my intake and do NO exercise. I will in turn loss weight slowly because my body is using more than it is taking in...however if I do not eat the 1200 calories I will GAIN weight because my body will store everything I eat because my body then thinks its starving so it will store , store, store! Now if you exercise you are using up even more of your calories you body needs to function so you have to eat those back up to the 1200 (NET) to keep your body going and not go into starvation mode. Does this help any?
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    Hates when threads go dead when they have such great information on them.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Hope, if you aren't already a part, you should join the MFP FAQ. It has tons of useful information you can link to when you're tired of explaining.
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    Also, you may try eating more often during the day, about every two to three hours. This helps keep your metabolism up. Also will help you reach your calorie goal for the day, without having to feel like you have to eat a big meal at the end of the day. Also, keep a close eye on your sugar intake, making sure to keep within the guidelines. I was struggling to loss weight at first, began eating this way, as well as making sure I hit my 1200 calories with or without exercise and have lost 25 since Jan. 19th. 11 bls since I began using this app 3 week ago.
    This is completely false. Eating more frequently does nothing for your metabolism. There are plenty of posts and research on this site if you do a search. Meal frequency and timing are myths that keep going for some strange reason.

    Agreed with the metabolism but this method is awesome for never feeling hungry
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Also, you may try eating more often during the day, about every two to three hours. This helps keep your metabolism up. Also will help you reach your calorie goal for the day, without having to feel like you have to eat a big meal at the end of the day. Also, keep a close eye on your sugar intake, making sure to keep within the guidelines. I was struggling to loss weight at first, began eating this way, as well as making sure I hit my 1200 calories with or without exercise and have lost 25 since Jan. 19th. 11 bls since I began using this app 3 week ago.
    This is completely false. Eating more frequently does nothing for your metabolism. There are plenty of posts and research on this site if you do a search. Meal frequency and timing are myths that keep going for some strange reason.

    I would not say it is completely false but that does not mean it is true for everyone. Every persons body reacts different to the food they eat the amount they eat and how often they eat. I am someone who has to eat every 3-4 hours or I get sick, dizzy, irrational and not a nice person. I tried for years to eat 3 meals a day and that really did not work for me. So I switched to eating on average every 3 hours (Even just an apple) and I am now fine. My husband on the other hand only eats 2 LG meals a day and he is fine with that.

    *Sorry everyone I just had to chime in on that one*
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    Hope, if you aren't already a part, you should join the MFP FAQ. It has tons of useful information you can link to when you're tired of explaining.

    Thanks Jorra! I will do that..the more knowledge and information we have the better!:)
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Oops, wrong thread. :blushing:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Eating frequent smaller meals helps keeps the body going. Of course it's what you eat in those meals that count.

    For some, their blood sugar starts to drop giving them the "lag" feeling. Eating every 3 hours helps maintain that level and thus gives them the "jump" they need.

    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Eat meals with protein, dark green veggies.

    I eat every couple hours all day long. I find that it helps to keep my blood sugar stabilized and stable blood sugar = no binge eating. :) I don't know that it does a damn thing for my metabolism, but doing it keeps me from wanting to sit down and eat and entire box of donuts, followed by an entire bag of chips and then some Reese's peanut cups to top it off. So, for me.. eating every couple hours is the best thing I can do for myself. :)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Also, you may try eating more often during the day, about every two to three hours. This helps keep your metabolism up. Also will help you reach your calorie goal for the day, without having to feel like you have to eat a big meal at the end of the day. Also, keep a close eye on your sugar intake, making sure to keep within the guidelines. I was struggling to loss weight at first, began eating this way, as well as making sure I hit my 1200 calories with or without exercise and have lost 25 since Jan. 19th. 11 bls since I began using this app 3 week ago.
    This is completely false. Eating more frequently does nothing for your metabolism. There are plenty of posts and research on this site if you do a search. Meal frequency and timing are myths that keep going for some strange reason.

    It could be a myth for you but it is not for me. Simple fact of the matter is, I am fueling my body and I get lethargic if I do not eat this way. But then again, that is just MY EXPERIENCE, some people may have different ones.

    I agree. I have to eat every 3-4 hours or I get lethargic, headache, and cranky. I really don't know if it helps my metabolism or not; I just know I have to eat.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    @Julie & Chevy88

    You are both dead on for the reason for eating frequently.

    Nothing to do with metabolism. Your energy to process the food is exactly the same whether you eat 3 big meals or 6 small meals.
    And if total calories is too low for your BMR, it can't raise the metabolism much anyway, either way you do it.

    But the drop in blood sugar is real. And feeling like you won't overeat if you don't wait until the next meal is real.

    And might I add, that means you need to examine your diet. Because frankly, if your blood sugar takes that kind of a nose dive after eating that you are that hungry 3 hrs later - that is not normal or good. You probably have insulin sensitivity or over-reaction.
    And yes, everybody is different, but different doesn't mean as good as it could be, or as safe as it could be.

    Are your meals/snacks almost total carbs, or if there is protein and fat, do you eat the carbs first?

    If you were to eat a bagel only for snack, how long until tired feeling comes over you if sitting?
    What if you had a cheese stick instead?

    Just saying something worth investigating, could make things easier on yourself, even if you want to keep up the 6 meals a day method.

    Because if insulin is always spiking, and you keep in elevated throughout the day by eating all the time, you are encouraging fat storage mode, rather than fat burning mode. Oh, you'll still be creating a deficit, and calories will still be used up, just not as many as you could be using up, if not in that mode.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Yes!! It def helps!!! lol I have been so worried about eating what I was exercising! To be honest I prob only eat 800 cals a day. Thanks for explaining :) And thanks to the original girl for asking!!! Why have I always learned you have to starve yourself to lose weight?
  • marciabwls
    marciabwls Posts: 80 Member
    Think we all we're taught that... I'm 53... I am just understanding since I joined "MFP".Love all the good advice from this site.. Good Luck everyone...:flowerforyou:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    @Julie & Chevy88

    You are both dead on for the reason for eating frequently.

    Nothing to do with metabolism. Your energy to process the food is exactly the same whether you eat 3 big meals or 6 small meals.
    And if total calories is too low for your BMR, it can't raise the metabolism much anyway, either way you do it.

    But the drop in blood sugar is real. And feeling like you won't overeat if you don't wait until the next meal is real.

    And might I add, that means you need to examine your diet. Because frankly, if your blood sugar takes that kind of a nose dive after eating that you are that hungry 3 hrs later - that is not normal or good. You probably have insulin sensitivity or over-reaction.
    And yes, everybody is different, but different doesn't mean as good as it could be, or as safe as it could be.

    Are your meals/snacks almost total carbs, or if there is protein and fat, do you eat the carbs first?

    If you were to eat a bagel only for snack, how long until tired feeling comes over you if sitting?
    What if you had a cheese stick instead?

    Just saying something worth investigating, could make things easier on yourself, even if you want to keep up the 6 meals a day method.

    Because if insulin is always spiking, and you keep in elevated throughout the day by eating all the time, you are encouraging fat storage mode, rather than fat burning mode. Oh, you'll still be creating a deficit, and calories will still be used up, just not as many as you could be using up, if not in that mode.

    All is well on my end. I don't have any kind of insulin sensitivity or anything like that. I am simply hypoglycemic - just like my dad is, his dad was, and so on. It doesn't matter what I eat or what combination - I feel better when I eat every few hours. I've been to the doctor, had all kinds of tests run and all is well. I just need to eat more often than some other people need to do. My doctor said "Do what makes your body feel better!".
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Also, you may try eating more often during the day, about every two to three hours. This helps keep your metabolism up. Also will help you reach your calorie goal for the day, without having to feel like you have to eat a big meal at the end of the day. Also, keep a close eye on your sugar intake, making sure to keep within the guidelines. I was struggling to loss weight at first, began eating this way, as well as making sure I hit my 1200 calories with or without exercise and have lost 25 since Jan. 19th. 11 bls since I began using this app 3 week ago.
    This is completely false. Eating more frequently does nothing for your metabolism. There are plenty of posts and research on this site if you do a search. Meal frequency and timing are myths that keep going for some strange reason.

    It could be a myth for you but it is not for me. Simple fact of the matter is, I am fueling my body and I get lethargic if I do not eat this way. But then again, that is just MY EXPERIENCE, some people may have different ones.

    I agree. I have to eat every 3-4 hours or I get lethargic, headache, and cranky. I really don't know if it helps my metabolism or not; I just know I have to eat.
    The questions was about boosting metabolism. Not maintaining blood sugar. Meal frequency does no more to boost your metabolism than 'raspberry keytones'.
  • giantruss
    giantruss Posts: 100
    yeah my weight has been falling off, since i have been trying to eat the calories burned.

    most of the time i dont eat back all the calories but , i never go hungry and weight loss is great. 33 bl in 12 weeks!!

    my wife is also eating more of her burned calories and is noticing much better weight loss and more energy!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The questions was about boosting metabolism. Not maintaining blood sugar. Meal frequency does no more to boost your metabolism than 'raspberry keytones'.

    I really enjoy blueberry better than raspberry, but strawberry even more. Is there that flavor of keytones? And do they come in gel packs for using on long rides or runs?